Chapter 19

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I appreciate you guys reading my book, books. For a girl from South Africa, this is huge!!!

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Chapter 19

I have been in Jo'burg for almost a week. This place is cold. I feel like I'm in Iceland. I share a room with Sabrina, a coloured girl from Cape town. I have never had a close encounter with coloureds before. I am from a town widely populated by black people and Indians.

I am on my way to class. I'd get there in ten minutes if it wasn't for these heavy boots and fur coat. They are keeping me warm but they are heavy.

I spend my days studying or hanging out with Gift. Zoe is always hanging out with her roommates. It's so easy for her to make friends. I'm jealous.

Spending time with Gift is fun. We are like the same person except for his weird fascination with snakes. Who likes snakes? They are creepy and have an eerie aura about them.

We spend most of our days studying or watching movies on his laptop in his room. Gift lives off campus. He is renting a flat right near the school.

"How was class?" Gift asks as we make our way to his flat.

"Boring. I had no idea English could be this complicated. I'm not choosing it as my major next year"

He laughs, "But you were good at it in high school"

"That was then, this is now. I hate English now"

"Have you chosen your majors yet?"

"No. I'm doing English and Maths for this year then I'll choose my major subjects next year"

"You should choose physics and life science... Oh, and maths"

"I can only choose two" I took a bite of my hotdog. "I was thinking maths and physics" I say with my mouth full..

"They are in demand, I think"

I nodded."And they pay well" I winked.

"Always after the money"

"What else is there to live for?"

He laughed and then cleared his throat.

"I have something to ask you"

He opened the door to his apartment and held the door open for me before walking in.

"Yea" I threw myself on the couch.

"Turn that on" He pointed at the heater.

I plugged it on and immediately felt a little warmer.

"There's a snake park a few hours from here and..."

"You want me to tag along?"I asked him, wide eyed and with disgust written all over my face.

"They don't bite" He rolled his eyes.

"What?" I shouted. "Those things bite. They are monsters. I've seen anaconda"

"Firstly, that movie is crap. Anacondas don't grow that big,secondly, There won't be any big snakes there. It's a small park"

"And lastly?" I raised a brow.

"What?" He wrinkled his nose.

"You were counting" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Right. Lastly, Please come with me, pleeeeease" He got on his knees and begged.

I huffed, defeated I said, "sure, why not?"

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