O n e

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I walk towards the exit only to find it raining outside. Thank god I brought an umbrella today. I knew the moment when the weather report says it'll be sunny I had to bring an umbrella. Looks like the rain isn't going to stop anytime soon. I started walking home.

While I was walking, I noticed a boy staring off into space at the nearest bus station. He probably forgot his umbrella or something. It's none of my business. I finally reached home safely. I feel like I should help him... He was kinda cute...

One week later~

"Aish, it's been raining for a week!"
Jiyeon sigh as she look out the window in disappointment .

"Why are you complaining about the rain? It's peaceful and beautiful." I negotiated and she just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah right. You're only saying that cause whenever it rains, you and Jeongwoo need to stay back to help the Teachers."


"You like jeongwo-"

I quickly closed her mouth as soon as Jeongwoo started walking towards our seats. Jeongwoo and I are the class reps. Whenever it rains, we'd help the Teachers to remind students to leave the school.

"Hey Y/n, Jiyeon."
Jeongwoo waved at us.

I just smiled and Jiyeon replied with a 'sup'.

"Is there something wrong?"
I asked and he shook his head.

"Umm... I just needed to borrow Jiyeon for a while. You don't mind right, Y/n?"
He asked and I just shook my head.

The two of them left the class. Now that I think about it, I've been seeing that guy at the bus station Everyday because of the rain. Does he really not need an umbrella? Maybe he's really just waiting for the bus... But I never see him unless it's raining... I'm sure he's fine. I wonder what's Jiyeon and Jeongwoo are talking about...

Time skip~

"Y/n-ah." Jiyeon called my name as I stop drinking my milk.

I look at her only to see her in a very... troubled face. Did something happened?

"You should confess to Jeongwoo already."

What? Why should I? Why?! I'm 15! I'm too young to date. I open my mouth in shock causing milk to spill all over my uniform.

"What? Why should I? All of the sudden?!"

"C'mon... You don't want him to be taken away, do you?"

"I mean... I like him... But... I'll confess when I can."

She just sighs. "If anything happens, I'm sorry."

Why did she apologise?

Time skip~

I walk out of school again with my umbrella. Damn I freaking smell like strawberry milk. I should've change to my gym uniform. Whatever, it's raining no one's gonna notice right? I pass by the bus station again. There he is. He's still staring off into space I see...

Just as I was about to leave him be, a car was rushing towards the bus station. In front of the guy was a huge puddle. He's gonna get wet.


He didn't react.


I said a little louder.


Before he could even snap out of his day dream, I push him away causing myself to get wet instead. Okay first strawberry milk now this. The guy look at me in surprise.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention-"
I cut him off before he could even finish his excuse.

"It's okay... Um you should really pay attention next time..." I say and I started walking away.

Just as I was about to leave, I felt a warm cloth around me. It was a jacket. I turn around to see the guy giving me an apologetic look.

"I'm so sorry... and thank you... please use my jacket..." he says.

Before I could even say anything, he was already boarding a bus. Oh... so he really does take a bus. But damn... he was pretty cute.

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