F i f t e e n

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Haruto? It wouldn't be that big of a coincidence would it? How can Jeongwoo and Haruto be sick on the same day? It's weird...

But could it be fate? Yeah right... As if.

"But there's no point anyways. Even if it's Haruto, it's not like he likes me. He likes someone else remember?"

Mashiho pat my shoulder. "It's okay. Being single is not a sin."

"If you remove the 'gle' in single, it becomes a sin."

"Y/n, now is not the time."

Jiyeon sighs. Everyone sighs. Life sucks and we know it. Mashiho slammed his head on the table.

"But I don't understand...." he mess his hair. "Why would he tell y/n she's special when he doesn't like her?"

"He calls you special?"

Jiyeon asks me and I nodded.

Am I really special?

"Whatever. You know what you should do? Tell him you like him. That way it's easier for you to get over him."

Jiyeon says proudly.

"Kind of ironic coming from you,"

Mashiho says and Jiyeon Glares at him. I look at the two. I don't wanna trust Jiyeon's words. But...


The next day~

Haruto ☔️

Haruto ☔️
Hey I'm at the park
where are you?

I'm in one of those sheltered
hut thing
I'm sorry i made you come
even tho it's raining so heavily
I promise I'll make it up to you!

Haruto ☔️
Don't worry about that
Haruto ☔️
Message Deleted!
I spot you


I look up and see Haruto with a black hoodie and an umbrella.

Dang he looks handsome even though he's just dressing up casually...

"So what is it you wanna talk about?"

"Why not we start with you? How was your day?"

He gives me a weird look. I tried repeating what I said using body language. I forgot he's Japanese.

"Oh it was just a normal day. Nothing much."

"And your confession?"

"I'll... tell you later. What did you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to thank you."

"Thank me?"

"For everything."


"Because after what I say, I don't think you'd want to be with me anymore. After all it'll be awkward between us..."

"Just tell me already."

I took a deep breath. This is it...

You can do it, y/n!



Haruto takes out his phone and smiles at the screen. It must be his crush. Obviously.

"Who is it?"


"C'mon tell me."





"Y/n stop-"

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"It doesn't concern you, does it?"

"Yes it does!"

Awkward silence.

"Yes it does..."

I repeat softer. I stood up.

"I know you like someone else... But yet you said I was special... why can't you just like me back?"


"Am I not good enough? Why does everyone I like likes someone else?"

I started crying.

"Why can't it be me?"

"Why are you crying-"

"Because I like you!"

Stupid. Isn't it obvious?!


The rain poured harder. It wasn't rain. It was more like a storm. A painful storm.

"Isn't it obvious?"


"I'm sorry... I really am."

My eyes were slowly getting blurry.

"But I'm in love with you, Haruto."

Author's Note:

wHoA 6k reads?! Dang dang dang.

ALSO: YASS Gon And Seunghun are debuting together with BaeJin in C9boys.

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