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"I don't think so if I'm around,"

I turn around to see Haruto placing his umbrella above me. The rain is magical holy shit.

"HARUTO?!" I gasped.

How is it every time it rains I meet him? How is this possible?! Is this why dramas always puts rain in important scenes?

"Surprise." He says with a smile."I saw you sitting here and wanted to say hi..."

He lives around here then? But why must he take the bus tho? I can take the bus home but its just a stop away...

"I heard... it's your birthday... sorry I didn't get you anything,"

I shook my head. "It's fine..."

He scans me. "Are you okay?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"You seem sad..."

As a matter of fact... I am haruto. Today's my birthday and I have no one to spend it with. What's more I found out my best Friend is dating my crush that rejected me a few days ago. Let's not forget the fact that I forgot my textbook that I will need for a math test on Monday. Oh yeah. And also, The weather report sucks.

I start crying...

"Don't be sad..."

He starts patting my back. Holy shit my heart. Watanabe Haruto who gave you the permission to Attack my heart?!

"I'm here for you."

Damn... Why do you make my heart beat fast?


It's the weekend and I choose to stay at home. Doing nothing. Nothing at all. I can't get over what happened last night... I cried in front of Haruto again... I apologised to him in text but he kept saying it's fine... Is it though? Dad wasn't home today too so I decided to go out and have fun. Alone.

Of course since I'm single and have no friend, the only place I could go to was my couch. I just turned on the TV and watched a whole documentary about cats. Why? Because having cats are better than having friends. Too bad I'm allergic tho...

It's fine. It's not like I need her to be alive. Like what Jennie from Blackpink says, "Bitch I'm shining solo,"

But I still feel the same loneliness as last time.

No One's POV

It was raining today. Y/n was alone the whole day in school. She tries to avoid Jiyeon but whenever she tries, Jiyeon would always appear in front of her.

As she walks to the bus stop with a frown on her face... she hears a familiar voice.


She smiles and walk towards him.

"Hi. Waiting for the bus again?"

"Yeah..." he scans her face. "... So ummm yesterday?"

She sighs. Haruto bites his bottom lip and then he smiles. The bus arrives. When Y/n was about to wave goodbye, Haruto grabs her hand and pulled her towards him.

The two boarded the bus and sat at the back. Y/n looks at him in confusion.

"We didn't get to hang out on your birthday. Why not we hang out together today?" He says.

Y/n had mixed feelings. She was so happy but at the same time she felt worried because she didn't tell her Father she'll be a little late. But at that time. All she was thinking was.

Every time it rains, I find myself slowly falling for you.

Author's notes:


The new line up results has been announced.

and congrats to Yoshinori, Jihoon and Asahi!

I totally didn't expect Asahi but congrats to him!

But I'm conf00sed. It's either I'm dumb or I'm slow cause I think it's both. Is the second line up group Magnum or??

Cause when people said it's magnum. I first thought of the ice cream lol.

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