T h r e e

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I stopped crying. Holy shit. Did I just cried in front of a stranger? This happened before... Okay calm down, Y/n. I'm sure he didn't think you were weird. But then again, you did cry very loudly. Fuck.

"Um... You okay, now?"

I nodded. "Sorry..."

I move a little to the side to give him space to sit.

"Why are you apologising? You didn't do anything wrong..."

"I cried in front of you... don't you think it's weird?"

"Why would I think that?"

Because we just met! Forget it... I wiped my tears and passed his jacket.

"Never mind... Here's your jacket... I washed it... Sorry..."

"Why do you keep apologising? Stop."

"Sorry, I'll stop.

He stares at me. I stared back... awkward... what should I say? Umm... how do you do? Or... What's up? Or I'm sorry I cried in front of you.

"What's your name?" I ask and he smiles.

"Haruto. You?"


Haruto... Hmm... It kind of sounds like a Japanese name. He does look Japanese... and his Korean sounds a bit weird... I should ask for his number. I mean who doesn't want a handsome dude's number?

"Hey what's your-"

His bus arrived. He looked at me signalling he had to go. I smiled and waved goodbye. I'll ask next time.

"Y/n... Hope to see you again,"

He boards the bus.

The next day~

I am not gonna lie. The whole morning I was thinking about Haruto. I became friends with the cute guy from the bus station... I can't believe it.

"So, how did your confession go?" Jiyeon suddenly asks me as she sits next to me.

Ah right... The confession... What should I tell her? I'll just tell her...

"It's nothing. Pfft. What confession?" I pretend to forget.

She looked worried and nervous. As if she did something wrong.

"I see..." she says.

This is weird. She looks really guilty. Like she has something to say but she can't admit. It'd be funny if she saw me confessed to Jeongwoo.

I should probably stop thinking about Jeongwoo. He says he likes someone else... so it's clear to me I will never get a chance.

"Hey are you free after school? I want some love from my Best Friend." I ask.

I'm gonna move on from Jeongwoo! Jiyeon better not feel guilty for asking me to confess. So it's best if we both hang out after school right?

"Y/n-ah..." Jiyeon called me. "I uhh... can't... not today,"

I just faked a smile and nod. The rest of the day, she ignored me. More like avoid. Is she hiding something?

After school~

Usually I would stay behind with Jeongwoo but I decided to ditch him. It'll be awkward if I did. But he wasn't staying in class anyways. It seemed like he was in a hurry. I left school with an umbrella like usual. When I reached the bus stop, Haruto was sitting down on his phone. He seems worried about something.

"Hey," I called out to him.

He look up from his phone and smiled. I sat next to him.

"Waiting for the bus again?" I asked.

"... Yeah."

I was hoping he forgot about what happened yesterday but instead-

"Why'd you cry yesterday?"

"... I got rejected,"

He looked at me surprised. Like he didn't expect a girl like me to get rejected.

"If you need an ear, I'm here..."

He says quietly but I could still hear him. His bus arrived, he got up to leave. Just as he boards the bus, I quickly board the bus too.

"Are you free to listen, now?"

Congrats, Lee Y/n. You've officially became the biggest idiot of the year.

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