N i n e + Important! (I think)

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(Please read my notes at the bottom!)

"It hasn't been raining lately,"

"Yeah. That's great, isn't it?"

I can hear the two girls behind me chatting. Yeah it's great. It's great for you guys. I've never seen Haruto for two weeks. And I kind of... well...

I miss his presence.

We've texted of course. But mostly about random things. I never got to ask him to hang out or something... It's been quiet lately. I need new friends for god's sake.

But I don't wanna socialise with snakes.

After school~

"Hey... Uh... Y/n..."

I turn around. It was Jeongwoo. Oh shit... Awkward...

"The teacher wants us to tidy up the shelves so..."

I nodded and walk to the shelves. Jeongwoo helps me take the books from the shelves while I arrange them according to subjects. It was just the two of us. If I still liked him, I would've been freaking out by now.

"You know... if you feel awkward around me, you can leave anytime." He says.

I shook my head. "Ah. No it's fine. I'm not uncomfortable or anything... We're good,"

"Really? I thought you hated me. Since... I kind of ruined your friendship with..."

"Why would I hate someone who did nothing? You did nothing wrong,"

I just gave him a reassuring smile and continued arranging the books.

"When did you start to like me?" He asks.

Crap. Why now...

"I mean... I'm just an ugly citizen,"

"Don't call yourself that." I said. "You're not ugly."

"Hmm.... So when was it?"

"I Guess in the beginning of the year,"

"Ahaha... Then, why'd you like me?"

I just smile.


"Is there a Lee Y/n in this class?"

I raised up my hand.

"Lee Y/n, you're dismissed. You're dad is here."

I was confused at first. My dad was outside the gates with the car ready. I ask him questions but he just kept quiet. We drove to the hospital. Mom was in the emergency room.

"So? How is she? Is she okay?" Dad asks the doctor outside.

"I'm sorry. We tried our best but..."

It felt like a thousand arrows shooting my heart.

"She didn't make it."

After I heard those words, it felt like my world just stop spinning. When we got home, I ran out of the house. It was at night... I ended up reaching the park near my house. I couldn't go home and face Dad. I didn't want to see him cry. It'll just make me even more sad. I started crying out a river.

"Are you okay?"

When I look up, it was a boy. He was wearing a white mask and a black hoodie. I couldn't see his face clearly because of my wet eyes...

"Hey... Umm... It's okay... It's fine to cry,"

"It's better to let it out than keep it in..."

I left him afterwards without saying thank you. When I went to school, I saw Jeongwoo. Wearing the same hoodie and mask as the person last night. He was the one.

Back to present~

"And that's why I liked you."

He looks at me with a surprise look. But then it fades...

"Please don't take this the wrong way but..."

"I wasn't the boy you saw in the rain."

Author's Note

Hi what's up. I'm thinking of publishing another book for Treasure 13! YEE. I was thinking of letting YOU my readers. Yes YOU! To vote!

So umm I'm kind of awkward and all but it'll be embarrassing if no one votes Haha...
anyways, here are the Umm... titles?

Pick those that captivate ya. I won't reveal the plot... the voting ends when the book ends

[Park Jeongwoo]

[Bang Yedam]


[Choi Hyunsuk]

[So Jung Hwan]

Or comment here for any suggestions!

I really appreciate your opinions! Pls continue reading my books and commenting on them. I always feel entertain when reading the comments but I'm too awkward to reply so I'll try to reply if possible...

Also, thanks for 3k! 💕

Also, thanks for 3k! 💕

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