S e v e n

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"Hey Haruto... Are we there yet?" It was the third time I asked.

"Just two more stops."

I looked at him worried. Where are we going? Is he gonna be bring me on a date? Ahaha... Wtf am i thinking... It was quiet so i tried to converse.

"This seems strange but..." I look outside. "Why do I always meet you in the rain?"

He looks at me and starts laughing. I stared at him. Did I say something stupid? What am I talking about? Whatever comes out of my mouth is shit.

"That's weird... Cause I see you even if it doesn't rain."

"What do you mean-"

The bus stops. He stood up and I did too. When we came out of the bus, in front of us was an ice cream store. When we entered the store, there was a cute guy at the counter.

"Hi, Welcome to Ice Cream Treasure Box- oh it's just you Haruto." The cashier says and his smile fades when he notices Haruto.

Haruto rolls his eyes. "Nice way to treat your customer. I'll have the usual. Y/n?"

I look at him surprised. "Umm... Me? Uh... I'm fine with chocolate..."

"Ooo... What's this? Are you Haruto's Girlfriend?" The cashier asks.

I blushed at his words. I wished.

I mean who wouldn't want to be Haruto's Girlfriend?

"She's just a Friend, Mashiho." Haruto says.

Wow did I just got rejected real quick.

The cashier smirks and nods.

"Just a Friend, Huh?"

He looks at me and winks. Oh god he knows. He freaking knows.

"Yep. Umm... Y/n. I need to go to the bathroom. Can you take the ice creams and find seats?"

I nodded my head and he rushes to the bathrooms. The cashier places the two cups of ice cream on the counter.

"Tell Haruto it's free." He says. "I'm Mashiho. You are?"

"Y/n. Lee Y/n,"

Is he Japanese too? Is that why Haruto knows him? Are they related or something?

"Y/n? That's a nice name. Anyways, so are you and Haruto like dating actually?"

I blushed. "Uh... No..."

"Really? Wow I thought that boy was hiding it from me."

"Are you his brother?"

"Ahaha- no. I'm too good looking to be one, can't you see?"

Sorry, You're handsome but Haruto's more handsome.

I kept quiet and smile.

"You like Haruto, right?"

"... Is it obvious?"

"Oh, so you admit... Anyways, that's good. I'm rooting for you guys!"

"But... i dont think Haruto likes me too tho... He just sees me as a Friend,"

I sigh. He finishes scooping the ice cream. He turns around to get spoons.

"I mean... you heard him... I'm just a Friend."

"Hmmm... Well... I don't think you're just a Friend. Haruto's usually comes here alone all the time..."

"... So you're saying?"

He turns around and face me. He passes me the two cups of ice cream. He gives me a wink and whispers to me.

"I'm saying you're special to him,"

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