E l e v e n

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I notice Mashiho checking his phone.

"What? What is it?"

He shrugs. "Don't freak out."

"I won't."

"Haruto is coming here."

"What?! I'm not ready! I don't wanna cry in front of him-"

"I told you not to freak out!"

"I'm not freaking out!"

"Why are you shouting!?"

"I don't know!"

We look at each other and laughed.

"You ok? No more freaking out?"

"Yeah. I'll act natural-"


We turn around and saw Haruto walking towards us. Shit shit shit.

"Y/n? What're you doing here?"

Act natural. Act natural. Act natural-

"Oh I Uh... forgot to return mashiho his... Cat,"

I said and immediately regretted. Haruto just nodded and went over to Mashiho. Mashiho signalled me to talk to Haruto. I tapped Haruto's shoulder and turned around.

"Hey Umm... Are you free right now?"

He scratch his head.

"I'm going to hang out with my Friend later on..."

By Friend did he meant the girl in the picture?

"So you're busy huh?"

"I mean I can still-"

"Well would you look at the time, I'll be on my way."

I walk towards the exit and quickly ran out of the store in the pouring rain. As I thought, it was impossible for someone like me to be attractive. I'm probably just a Friend to Haruto. Or maybe just acquaintances... someone he met in the rain.

When the bus arrives, I board it. But then...

"Wait... I'm coming too!"

No One's POV

When y/n heard the familiar voice, she turn around and saw Haruto. He looked out of breath and his hair was wet. He walk towards y/n and pull her hand. They sat down at the back.

"Uhh... Haruto?"

He lets go of her hand and turn away. He was blushing.

"Sorry... It's just that... you seemed sad... Did something happened?"

Y/n look at him surprised. Whenever she's upset, how could he tell? It would usually take Y/N a Long time to realise when she should cry or not.

"We haven't been hanging out much and... I kind of miss your presence..."

Y/N's heart beat fast. It felt as if she was going to get a heart Attack from all of Haruto's cuteness.

"Is it weird?"

He asks and she shook her head.

"I don't think it's weird... cause..."

"I missed you too."


We just stare at each other awkwardly. Did I just confess?! I don't think so... but it sounded like a confession?! What should I do?! Quick, Say something to clear the awkwardness...


"This somehow feels like déjà vu."

I stare at Haruto who was looking at his feet. I tried to recall my memories. I think I kind of remembered...

"Last time It was me. Now it's you..."

Last time this happened, I was the one who followed Haruto to the bus. Now it's him... Funny thing is, he's the one who listens.

"So did something happened in school, again?"

Should I tell him?

"Aren't you going to be late for your hang out?"

I shouldn't. Even if I told him, he'd still see me as a Friend.

"I told them I was busy and-"

"Why would you go that far for me?"

He thinks and smiles.

You're cute and it should be illegal.


"You're special to me."

Author's Note

Thanks for 4k reads💕
Ahahah oh no I feel awkward again...

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