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Haruto ☔️

Haruto ☔️
Sorry I couldn't make it

It's okay
I mean we were just gonna practice
how you should confess to you crush right?
But I'm sure she'd like it

It was raining too... I'm sorry

When are you gonna confess to her?

Im scared she'd reject me.


Haruto ☔️
I don't know...
Haruto ☔️
Im nowhere near the person she likes...
Haruto ☔️
do you think she'll hate me?

If she's as kind as you
say, she'll say it's okay
Who is your crush anyways?

Haruto ☔️
I'm not gonna tell you


Haruto ☔️
Lee Y/n!
Haruto ☔️
It's a secret!

Okay okay
Where were you when|

Haruto ☔️
Im sorry about that night

Where were y|
Hey can we meet again?

Haruto ☔️

I wanna ask you something

Haruto ☔️
Why not you ask me now?

When are you free?

Haruto ☔️
Not sure but I can meet you
tomorrow before I confess to my crush

What time r u confessing? And where?

Haruto ☔️
Well what time are you free? Where do you wanna meet?

Well... remember that playground we met at one night?
Maybe after you confess to your crush, you meet me there at around 6.

Haruto ☔️

After crying in front of Jiyeon, she treats me to ramen. We met Mashiho coincidentally and we decided to eat together.

"So haruto ditched you? Aish that kid is-"

I cut mashiho off before he curses.

"It's okay... It's not like I'm the one he likes so it's fine..."

I cried while filling my face with ramen. Mashiho pat my back while Jiyeon sighs.

"Why is it always whenever I like someone, they like someone else!"

I say while looking at Jiyeon who just shrugs. Mashiho gives me a thumbs up and look at me proudly.

"It's okay, y/n. Be like me."

"Stay single and a have a Low pay job-"

"No. Find a man who's as sweet as Junkyu."

"Who the hell is junkyu-"

"Anyways, don't worry. There are more fishes in the sea."

"Why not you just confess?"

I gave Jiyeon a suspicious look. This again?

"Oh no I swear Im really not interested in Haruto. But Y/n. You like him so why not-"

"Because he likes someone else..."

"... So?"

"So I shouldn't say anything... I'll just get in the way."

"Well... There's no point of just keeping quiet right? You can't just keep waiting."

Mashiho says. Jiyeon agreed.

"You said that Jeongwoo wasn't the person you saw in the rain that made you fall in love with him. So... it wasn't love. You just liked him because he saved you."

"What's this story I never heard about?"

Mashiho asks.

"It's Y/N's love life lol. How she fell in love with my boyfriend."

"Wow. When was that?"

"I can't remember-"

"January 26th 2019."

"Whoa how did you remember-"

I shrugged.

How could I forget? It was my mother's death day.


Mashiho shouted.

"I just remembered something on that day!"

"Wow you two have great memory."

"If I'm not wrong, Haruto was sick that day to the point he talked to strangers. When I was out with him to the doctor he kept talking to strangers and acted as if they were classmates or friends."

"Aren't Haruto and Jeongwoo neighbours?"

"Wait doesn't that mean that..."

"The Person Y/n met that night wasn't Jeongwoo..."

"But Haruto?!"

I look at them.

Oh shit they might be right.

Author's Note:


Two updates in one day? Why?
Welp I had too much free time so...

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