E i g h t

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"Why'd you bring me here?"

I ask Haruto who has been staring at me the whole time I was eating my ice cream.

"You seemed like you needed someone to talk to so..."

I smiled. Although we met a week ago or so he treats me like his Best Friend... *cough* Or maybe more. *cough*

"Yeah... Haha... Remember the guy who rejected me?"

He Nods.

"My Best Friend is dating him..."

He looks at me in shock.

"I'm sorry to hear that... are you okay?"

"I'm okay about that... I'm just hurt that she didn't tell me about it... I had to find out the hard way..."

"Are you okay now?"

"I'm okay... I was just being a sensitive bitch anyways,"

I covered my mouth after I realised I just cursed in front of haruto. He looks at me shocked...

"Sorry! I didn't mean to curse-"

"It's okay. Don't apologise... Feel free to be your real self around me. We're friends aren't we?"

"Yeah... And I'm sorry for crying... again."

"I don't think you're a sensitive... beep... You were sad... I told you didn't I? If you need an ear."

He places his hand on top of mine.

"I'm here."

Are we really just friends?

I smiled at his words. Haruto you're such an angel... then I remembered.

"Hey, Umm... In the bus, you said you met me when it wasn't raining, didn't you?"

I ask. He looks at me, confused. He then understands the question.

"So um... When did we meet?"

He smiles and says. "Hmm... it's a secret."

No One's POV

The two continued to talk and talk. Everything Haruto says, Y/n smiles. And everything Y/n says, Haruto smiles. They are both so perfect together.


Y/n turns towards the voice. It was Jiyeon and Jeongwoo. Her smile fades. She looks away and Haruto looks at her confusingly.

"Y/n... I'm sorry... Please-"

Before Jiyeon could finish her apology...

"Haruto?" It was Jeongwoo's voice this time.


Y/n look at the two boys. They seemed to know each other.

"You guys know each other?" Jiyeon asked.

"Yeah. We're-"

Before Jeongwoo finished his sentence. Y/n grabbed her umbrella and bag. She walks out of the cafe without a single word. She quickly ran to the bus stop and it stopped raining.

The bus arrives, she boards it and leaves.


When I opened the door, dad was at the living room on his phone. He looks up and his eyes widened.

"Where were you?! I was so worried..."

He shouts.


He looks at me and sighs.

I walked to my room and I lock my door.

I am... Just... So... Stupid.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit



Are you okay?
You ran off earlier
Could it be
Jeongwoo was the one you confessed to?


Why are you apologising ? stop
We're friends.

I want to be more|

Maybe another time?

I want to be|
I wantt|
Yea :)
Read, 5:40pm

2 weeks passed. I've never seen Haruto since.

Even though it rained for 5 days.

Author's note

Thanks for 2k reads asdfghjkl

Thanks for 2k reads asdfghjkl

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