T h i r t e e n

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After school, I went home and changed. When the clock strikes 6, I prepared to leave.

"Where are you going, honey?"

My dad asks.

"I'm going out with a Friend,"

"Remember to bring an-"


I let the house and went to the bus stop. I was excited to see haruto but I was also a bit sad. If I was his girlfriend, maybe I could be this happy Everyday. I reached where we were supposed to meet.

I waited.

And waited.

I checked the time, 7:03pm.

We were supposed to meet at 6:30.

It started raining.

I thought I checked the weather report. It said it isn't gonna rain today so- wait never mind I forgot the weather report sucks.

I forgot to bring an umbrella. But I'm sure Haruto is late for a reason. No messages so he isn't ditching on me.

It's raining, right? Every time it rains, I'm supposed to meet Haruto, right?

But I waited and waited in the rain. With people staring at me. I hate this judge mental society. Finally, I felt an umbrella above me.


"... Sorry, I'm not Haruto."

No One's POV

Y/n couldn't speak or move. The person who broke her trust and made her cry was in front of her. Where's Haruto? Why her? She was about to runaway when Jiyeon pulled her hand.

"Wait! At least listen to me for a minute."

Y/n still wanted to run. But she sighs and took out her phone. She set up a timer.

"Your minute starts... now-"

"I'm sorry! I really am. Please! I'm really sorry! I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I'm sorry I didn't trust you enough! Im-"

"Why are you apologising for?"

Jiyeon looks up at me. Y/n continued.

"So I could be friends with you again? So I can say 'it's fine, people make mistakes'? Or just because you really care about me?"

"I really care about-"

"Lies... if you really did, why didn't you tell me? See? You don't even know what you're apologising for."

"I... I just wanna be friends again. You wouldn't talk to me. Every time I did, you'd runaway. Even during group work you'd go to the toilet all the time... "


"... when I saw you here alone, You looked sad... and I... I just needed to apologise."


"Because I'm sorry... please... Y/n... I'm really sorry."

"Even so... Why do you still wanna be friends with me?"

She looks at y/n and looks back down as if troubled whether she should say it or not.

"It's fine if you don't want to be friends with me... but please don't hate me. I'm sorry."

Y/n was getting ready to leave. 7:10pm. Haruto was still nowhere to be found. She turns around. She couldn't even look at Jiyeon.

"At least please know I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I like Jeongwoo when I knew you liked him too-"

"I Don't like him."

When y/n turn around and face her, Jiyeon was shocked to see her eyes slowly tearing up. Y/n was slowly crying.

"The person I like is haruto."

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