Chapter 5: Aebbé - Grown

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"I think it happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. And so you keep the wonderful memories, but you find yourself moving on." – Nicholas Sparks

Raven's Peak, Ardam 40

Ria's gentle touch on my shoulder calls me from my slumber. Teases of sunlight warm my sleep-riddled eyes.

"Good morning, dear Ria," I tell her while stifling a yawn.

"There's not much of morning left. You've slept through it all. I've been clanging and banging trying to wake you, but it is easier to raise the dormant fire mountains in the east!"

"That is an absolute confabulation!"

"My honesty is my only virtue. You even insulted me the day we arrived by saying I was lying about the welcome feast not being held."

I avoid her eyes as I dodge her accusation. "Elan wants me to be at the hospital by noon."

"I will inform him that you won't be able to come. The King has sent for you and I've assured him that you will meet him." She shifts uneasily. "In fact, I think he is already waiting for you."

"Couldn't you rather tell Elan that I will only be late?"

"No, you need to attend the entire dinner in the hall. It would be inappropriate to refuse the invitation."

"As always, you are right," I say with resignation.

"Of course! You should listen to me more often."

"I always listen to you!"

"Pfft," she says dismissively. "You need to get up and dress. Your brothers are waiting for you. I know you don't like it when I choose your clothes, but I had to. It was either you choose your dress or you sleep an extra ten minutes. I know which one you'd prefer."

"Thank you."

Ten minutes later, I am dressed and my hair is done in a single plait, my simple golden-teardrop earrings and family ring my only accessories.

"Where are we meeting?"

"In the King's Hall."

Raven's Peak Castle is a tangle of square and rectangular rooms, surrounded by the castle walls and its twenty-two towers. When standing in front of the great hall, looking at the castle, everything to your right is the less restricted areas, and everything to the left more restricted – separated by a wall in the middle of the castle.

There are only a few ways to cross to the other side. The first is the door between the throne room and the map room situated directly to the back of the great hall. The second way is via my room at the back and middle of the castle on the ground floor. The third way is on the upstairs level via what is known as the In-Between. It is a heavily guarded minor hall with impenetrable great doors once closed. The fourth way is rather tedious and comprises of entering the walls on the right, walking in the soldier wall all the way around the castle and then entering via the middle tower. The fifth way is below the ground levels in the servants' quarters and allows them to go about their duties unnoticed. The sixth and last way via the wall tunnels is known only to my family.

I exit my room via the door leading to the more restricted areas and turn left into the next hallway. I turn to the right to enter the Private Stairs Room.

I am stopped by guards, but another guard I haven't noticed steps forward. I recognize Aelfraed. He whispers something to the guard. The guard looks at Aelfraed and then me.

The Chronicles Of The Council #1: The Sun's Tears Where stories live. Discover now