Chapter 57: Aebbé - Wedding

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“We are what ballads are written of, what bards sing of. We are epic, you and I.” - Samantha Garman

A turmoil of thoughts rage through me before I even open my eyes. Both expectancy and dread fill me.

From the maelstrom of emotions I am able to identify a few different ones. Firstly I want to float away on a stream of cowardice. I am not ready to commit myself to anyone and I doubt anyone would want me. Secondly I want to fight the current of the water I have been thrust in. My brother did not give me any choice. Lastly, I want to splash around in a lake of joy. I am getting married to Caith! It is like a ballad sung about the great elvish lovers Dubhan Darkwood and Aelia Ashtree.

That is if he doesn’t change after the wedding. My brother said that he has had a month to plan the wedding. That is about the amount of time since Caith and I returned.

I frown. I wonder whether Caith knew the whole time. That’s probably why he was so friendly. Maybe he was only after the throne and power. Maybe all the moments we have shared in the past month were all part of a grand ploy on his side.

No, I refuse to believe that. Caith is not like that - above all others, I should know. I think that I may claim to know him very well.

My heart beats faster as I think of his devilish smile and the complex emotions raging in his eyes. My hand reaches up involuntarily to trace my lips. If a single peck on the lips was that powerful, how extraordinary must it be to have more than that.

A frown scrunches my face - a frown he even said he liked seeing. The Crows have not flown in to wake me.

The first and hopefully only thing that I will ask Caith is to reinstate Ria as my maid and to banish the Crows as far from me as possible.

Maybe Ferdaid decided to show me some mercy and allow me the freedom to dress myself today.

Opening the door, I smell it before I analyse it: freedom.

With no guards in front of my door, only an unfamiliar maid awaits me. “Your highness, princess Aebbé, I will draw you a bath. Your wedding dress will be delivered while you take your bath. Is there anything else you require?”

“I would appreciate it if you could find me twelve white roses.”

The maid nods and enters my room. After a few minutes she informs me that the bath is ready before she silently disappears.

The multitude of thoughts continue to wreak havoc as I soak in my bath, drowning in bliss. In an instant, my life has changed for the better. Today I am allowed to forget the war and those dead in my family.

Hmm, the war, I should ask Caith if I can continue helping the injured. I don’t think he will refuse my request.

Where on earth will we stay? I can't move into a tent that he shares with his comrades. Perhaps he would move into my room. Oh, that would be awkward.

When I emerge from my bath, I find a dozen white roses and a dress made of pure white material sprawled on my bed. My fingertips brush against the silky lace as I pick the dress up and slide it over my head. The dress immediately shrinks to fit me comfortably and hugging all my curves. A three meter train bells out from my hips.

By weaving the roses into my hair, I manage to convince some of my rebellious curls to join the symphony on my head.

The dress is gorgeous and fits me perfectly. I wonder who the designer is. I will have to thank him or her afterwards with a shower of roses.
I walk to my dresser and take out Ferdaid's mother’s jewellery box. I do the clasp of the necklace and put the earrings on. The roses hang up to the middle of the distance between my earlobes and my shoulders.

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