Chapter 37: Aebbé - Unexpected

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"Life just doesn't care about our aspirations or sadness. It's often random, and it's often stupid and it's often completely unexpected, and the closures and the epiphanies and revelations we end up receiving from life, begrudgingly, rarely turn out to be the ones we thought." - Khaled Hosseini

En-route to Da-Nel, Ardam 40

Departing from Raven's Peak so soon after my return, filled me with an unexpected sadness and the feeling of leaving a horde of possibilities behind. My brothers were vague about the details as to what my training in Da-Nel would entail, but I feel a strange sense of foreboding whenever I recall our last conversation. They spoke in riddles and somehow I know that I wouldn't like the answers to those riddles. It is as if a horrifying truth awaited me at my destination.

Even though I haven't been to Da-Nel, I know that the city is one of Vaubadon's greatest allies. I will be expected to attend all the social events and hold my own. At least Ria will be there to help me plan and execute gossip-worthy tea parties and embroidery gatherings. I'll probably stay with the Lord and Lady of Da-Nel, or some other noble or wealthy family. My brothers didn't even bother to inform me of my accommodation.

The soldiers packed lightly - only food and weapons. Two horses draw a small carriage with our food, tents and my chests. Ria, having grown up as my closest companion, was taught how to ride. Looking at her patting the neck of the grey mare from our stables, one would never guess that she has nothing but disdain for the majestic beasts.

After our second day of riding, we camp out near a cluster of trees. While eating dinner in my tent, Ria and I hear the drawing of swords. I cautiously stand up, grabbing Storm by her hilt - ready to withdraw if needed. There is no need for me to demand silence from Ria. With her forefinger pressed to her lips, she picks up my heavy silver mirror - indicating that she plans to bludgeon someone with it. I grin and shake my head.

I listen closely to the sounds outside the tent: the sound of blades cutting into flesh, gurgling blood, and dying moans. I slowly open my tent's door a centimetre and peek outside.

It takes me a moment to process the scene. One soldier shouts but is silenced mid-scream by a blade of his comrade. Two other soldiers are lying with their dead eyes and throats cut open. I realise with a jolt that the men are fighting against each other. Before I can react, the fight is over. Lord Hoyt, the man tasked with ensuring my safe arrival, walks towards my tent. His slight limp is barely discernible as he approaches with a cocky grin. "Princess Aebbé, I have no desire whatsoever to hurt you. I am sorry about the deaths of the other men, but they were a liability to us if kept alive. Now, please come quietly. Step out of the tent, with your hands in the air."

I let the door fall closed and wait until the right moment before plucking the tent door open.

His square shoulders tense in astonishment at seeing a weapon in my hands. He rubs his greying temples before withdrawing his own sword. "Your Highness put down the sword."

I decide not to answer him as I cannot afford a moment's distraction.

Lord Hoyt is more skilled and stronger than I am. Soon he knocks Storm out of my hands and quickly puts his sword against my throat. "Daughter of Vaubadon, now you will surrender," he says menacingly.

Suddenly someone tugs my hands. Another soldier had sneaked behind me and ties my hands. Then I see Aelfraed standing with his arms tied and a trickle of blood on his face. My resolve crumbles. Ria, putting up a commendable fight, is brought out of the tent.

"I had hoped that this would go smoother, but it still went well," Lord Hoyt announces.

"Why are you doing this?"

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