Chapter 59: Laelia - Run

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"They say a good love is one that sits you down, gives you a drink of water, and pats you on top of the head. But I say a good love is one that casts you into the wind, sets you ablaze, makes you burn through the skies and ignite the night like a phoenix; the kind that cuts you loose like a wildfire and you can't stop running simply because you keep on burning everything that you touch! I say that's a good love; one that burns and flies, and you run with it!" - C. Joybell C.

My eyes grow heavy as I gaze into the coals that are surrounded by a halo of orange flames. The fire crackles happily as the last flames leap into the air without motivation. I stretch my hands towards the fire, not because it is cold, but because the heat is pleasant and I want to absorb it all. I sigh contently.

The year has been interesting to say the least. Perhaps we would have been better off if I accepted Pa'drig's offer of letters demanding hospitality from his subjects. Nonetheless, the year has been good and we had seen much and visited many places. Yet we are no closer to finding what Mother tasked us with.

Pa'drig gave us two magnificent horses as a parting gift, extracting a vow to pass him on our way back to the forest. Initially he was very enthusiastic about helping us with research on the library, but his interested waned rather quickly, leaving Aedan to tease me in private that I was the only reason Pa'drig endured the tedious hours in Raven's Peak's library.

There is another thing that Aedan would have teased me ceaselessly for - had I told him. So I never told him about what happened between Khairrim Cadeyrn and myself that night at Raven's Peak. It is as if a strange burden of silence was necessary to preserve the forbidden but pleasurable memory.

A knock on my door. "Laelia, it is time for breakfast."

"Hold on, Aedan! Give me a few more minutes. I just woke up." The lie tastes fuzzy on my tongue as I pull my wet curls into a braid before opening the door.

Aedan looks at me with scrunched up eyebrows. "Shoes."

"Right." I rush back into the room and find my shoes.

"You didn't sleep at all."

I knew Aedan would spot the lie. "No, I didn't. I have been meaning to tell you, but I didn't have an opportunity yesterday. I found the entrance to a network of tunnels in my room. I have been exploring them."

When have I started to lie to Aedan?But more importantly, why?

His face lights up. "Really?"


"Just be safe when you wander."

I nod. "I still have a dagger."

Aedan and I join Faolan and Prince Pa'drig in an isolated courtyard. One of the servants lead us there. A table with a lavish breakfast is set under a tree. The scene seems familiar, but I shake the thought away.

The prince flies up from his chair. "Princess Laelia! You outshine the sun!"

"Prince Pa'Drig," I say with a curtsy.

"Where did you disappear to last night?"

I shrug his question away with a comment about the party, which luckily gives him the opportunity to launch into a detailed description of whatever I said.

Aedan and I join Faolan at the table.

Prince Pa'drig draws the chair out for me.

There is still one empty chair, probably for Elorhim who finally enters the courtyard just as a servant pours us tea. He mutters a greeting into the air and hands Faolan a piece of paper.

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