Chapter 19: Aebbé - Confidence

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"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence." - Charles Bukowski

Raven's Peak, Ardam 40

Warm sunlight dances on my face. My first thought is that Ria must have drawn my curtains open. My second is that I overslept. Usually, I would wake up long before the sun shines as hot as this. I hear Ria scuffling in the room - trying to seem inconspicuous but making just enough noise so she would be sure to wake me. She must either be worried, or she has planned a bore of duties for me.

I groan.

"My lady, are you feeling ill?" She enquires from somewhere close by.

I open my eyes in an attempt to pinpoint her position.

My vision seems clearer when I rub the sleep from them. I don't feel rested. I still feel exhausted. I stretch myself out, but even that doesn't make me feel better.

"No, Ria. I'm just still a bit tired."

The past few days have taken their toll. It has been a week since the last battle - the first one since I arrived. I have been working most of the time. Apart from the visit to Claira and my nieces, I haven't attended to any social responsibilities.

"Your Highness, I apologise for waking you, but you have slept for quite a few hours. You have to fulfil the duties you neglected the past few days."

I lift the book Lord Caith gave me off my chest, close it and gently place it on the pillow next to me. I fell asleep with it on my chest. I will attempt reading it the moment when I have time - and energy.

"Ria, I understand. Thank you. It was about time for me to wake up. How many times do I have to tell you that you can drop the title?"

She averts her eyes. She won't answer.

"I don't want you to use it. You are like my sister."

I sit up in my bed: "Ria, please tell me what you planned for me"

"Mostly spending time in court with the queen and her ladies, but you must visit Lord Ewald and his son Dareios, and Berchelai and thank them for the gifts they sent you."

Renard has sent me a gift every day after I received the poem. The gifts weren't very big - a small box of tea, oranges, and chocolate and I could escape with sending thank you notes, but then he sent me a pendant and protocol dictates that the bigger gift forces me to thank him in person. He must be very eager to win my hand. Of course, he is. Marrying me would elevate him to the third most powerful man in Ardam.

I promised my brothers I would entertain him for a while, but he is placing me in a difficult position. By sending gifts every day he lets clearly indicates that it won't be long before he proposes. I groan. I will have to speak to my brothers and explicitly tell them that there is no way I will be accepting his proposal (when it comes, because it will come) and that they must support me in my refusal.

I frown. If they will support me. I don't know if I can count on them.

I have never met Lord Ewald's son, Dareios, but Lord Ewald Picard is an old friend of my family. He was my father's squire in his youth. They sent me apples just before the battle.

"Can you please send them notes begging an audience?"

I can tell De Berchelai that he isn't the only one trying to win my hand and that I would need time to consider my options. It will buy me some time when his proposal comes.

The Chronicles Of The Council #1: The Sun's Tears Where stories live. Discover now