Chapter 53: Aebbé - Reunion

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When you remember me, it means that you have carried something of who I am with you, that I have left some mark of who I am on who you are. It means that you can summon me back to your mind even though countless years and miles may stand between us. It means that if we meet again, you will know me.” - Frederick Buechner

Drifting in and out of conciousness in my dark room, time remains completely irrelevant until I finally wake up, feeling as renewed as a lamb for slaughter. The first thing I do when I manage to pull myself from bed, is to draw my curtains open. The blinding sun subsides into a comfortable glow as my eyes adjust to the light.

It looks as if it is early in the morning. Initially I think of taking a bath, but then the tempting thought of swimming crosses my mind. After tying my hair into a bun and dressing, I peek into the hallway. Two soldiers are stationed at the end of the hallway, backs faced towards me. My door closes behind me with a noiseless thud as I tiptoe down the corridor. I am met by another pair of shoulders as I round the corner.

When I round the corner, I see two more soldiers in the next hallway.
I return to a normal walking position and pass the guards.

I nod to them, but my way forward is blocked when they cross their weapons, denying me passage.

“My lady, we would have to request you to return to your room.”

My fists ball as I see that his polite words are not in keeping with his harsh facial expression.

“I would like to go to the library,” I say, in what I hope is a voice filled with authority.

“I apologise my lady, but you are to remain in your room until the King summons you.”



The thought that I've exchanged a faraway cell for a more familiar prison weighs on me as I return to my room.

I'm indecisive on the subject of what to wear after I've taken a luxurious bath. Even though I usually mostly choose my own outfits, Ria would always offer valuable input.

With a pang I realise that I have barely spared her a thought the past few days. Everything has been so rushed and nerve-wracking - Caith and I trying to stay ahead of my pursuers while combatting them, exhaustion and the elements. I went into survival mode, barely leaving room in my mind for other thpughts.

My guilt lifts up as I realise that she should be back in Raven's Peak and that we will be reunited soon. I think I should give her leave for a few weeks.

But where would she go? She has no family at all, and no other

As if reading my mind, I hear my door close.

Perhaps maintaining a facade of normalcy would help both of us temporarily forget the ordeals we've just been through. I cannot imagine what she went through during our captivity. “Ria! I am in dire need of your help doing my hair. I feel the need to do something with it.”

“My lady, my name is Patricia. This is Bernia and Kelke. We are your new maidservants,” an unfamiliar voice screeches.

When I turn around, I am met by  three ancient crones with grey hair tied into stiff buns and black dresses with heavily feathered hems. The unspoken warning in their dark, beady eyes warn me to never voice the thought that their crooked noses are similar to the beaks of vultures. 

Patricia is very skinny, and quite tall. Her translucent skin allows me to see the bones and veins of her hands.

Bernia, the exact opposite of Patricia, is a cube. I cannot determine if she is longer than she is wider, or the other way round. Her fingers are pink sausages. I cannot guess where her face ends and her neck begins, and which one of the three folds in that area is her true chin.

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