Chapter 49: Laelia - Desire

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"Yes, love indeed is light from heaven; A spark of that immortal fire with angels shared, ... given to lift from earth our low desire." - Lord Byron

The gentle rapping of Aedan's fingers on the door disturb my wandering thoughts to last night's meeting as I ready for the celebrations.

"Rabbit, give me a moment. I'm just struggling with the last thing"

"Really Laelia? How are you still not ready? I left you with that dressmaker hours ago."

Rolling my eyes with an internal sigh, I answer him diplomatically. "Aedan, I cannot wear a simple pair of pants and a shirt like you do, and the tailor didn't have a suitable dress. It took him some time to make the right one from what he had available."

His groan reverberates on the outside of my door. The scowl of disapproval nesting on his face melts away when I open the door. "You are so rebellious!"

"Is it too much?" I ask as I gesture to the pale mint coloured dress I am wearing.

His face lights up in amazement and admiration. "No, Sunshine, you look absolutely perfect! This suits you much better than our white." He offers me his elbow. "Ready to enchant?"

Slipping my hand into his elbow, I hide my blush behind my golden mask with green and yellow feathers.

The hall has been lavishly decorated with plants, candles, and golden material, giving it an ethereal appearance. Sturdy wooden benches are scattered throughout the courtyard, some already occupied with men in earnest arm-wrestling competitions.

We are met by a sea of elves dressed in white - all with faces of odd anticipation, except Elorhim whose veins seem to pop out as he gives me a disapproving glare. Faolan, only betraying his surprise at my choice of a colourful dress with slightly lifted eyebrows and the upwards tilted corners of his mouth, stands with Elorhim and Pa'Drig at the head of the hall. The prince's eggplant-coloured attire makes his dark hair seem more purple than black.

An immediate silence settles among us as we turn to a new arrival at the door. Following their lead, my eyes meet with the ocean blue eyes of Khairrim Cadeyrn, the Second One.

I have often read tales and heard poems of how Dubhan and Aelia fell in love, yet I have never believed them. How can anyone fall in love with a single glance? You might fall in a fit of passion. It is neither love at first sight nor passion that I experience in the timeless moment that our eyes lock, but rather an undeniable pull, like the ocean's current dragging you into deeper, dangerous waters to drown.

From the corner of my eye I watch Faolan walk to him, yet my being remains submerged in this inexplicable bond.

"My lord, it is an honour to welcome you."

The Lord of Water and Sun swims out of the current first when he breaks eye contact to turn to Faolan, placing his hand on my brother's shoulder. "Dear Faolan, it is not necessary for the formality. It makes the air tight and the people stiff."

Faolan smiles while Elorhim gives a half-hearted chuckle.

Gasping for my thoughts, I unwisely continue to study Khairrim Cadeyrn. Even though I have seen him many times, it feels as if a dam has burst, allowing me to truly glimpse him for the first time.

Aedan mutters something to me, but it is drowned out by the hammering of my heart in my ears.

Whatever this is, it did not end well.

The strange thought falls into silence as the chatter in the hall dies out and I fix my attention on Faolan standing regally on the stone platform.

The Chronicles Of The Council #1: The Sun's Tears Where stories live. Discover now