Chapter 17: Laelia - Transformation

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"Transformation isn't sweet and bright. It's a dark and murky, painful pushing. An unravelling of the untruths you've carried in your body. A practice in facing your own created demons. A complete uprooting before becoming." – Victoria Erickson

Alachna City, Ardam 1292

"You should have been here an hour ago. Why are you always late? You should not have left your room at all today! The tradition is to stay in your room, to isolate yourself and think about your future. Just get into the bath!" My mother rambles on, but I try to tune her scolding out.

"Yes, mother. The forest was just so magical, and the trees begged me to remain in their presence," I reply honestly, and climb into the bath.

She massages scented oil into my scalp: "Child, tonight you will become an adult. You will be worthy of making your own decisions. You will take your place in society. You must be a lady. You must be graceful and considerate. You are a leader of this race and a princess. You must start acting like it. And you should really stop dragging your brother into your messes."

She rinses my hair with hot water.

"I do not drag him into my messes. He comes with me of his own free will. And they are called experiences." Over the years I have learned to never refer to Aedan as the guilty one.

"You know how much your brother loves you. He will even take the blame for you. And have me believe that he begged you to do some mischief with him. I have always left you to roam the forest so that your true character can develop to its full potential. However, from now on you must leave your childish whims alone and act like that which you were born to be. Tomorrow morning, you and your brother will leave on a task for me. It will be your first task as an adult. You cannot fail me."

I can hear the scowl on her face, even if my back is turned to her: "I know, Mother. I will not fail you."

A thought later my brain registers what she said. She said Aedan and I will be leaving on a task. I break into a smile: "What is our task?"

Every elf gets to leave the forest at least once. The argument is that you must see at least a part of the world so that you can appreciate your own community much more. I am glad that Aedan and I get to leave the day after we turn into adults. Some wait years before they are allowed a quest.

"I will inform you in the morning."

Once Mother has spoken, you never, ever, question her. You don't even think about it. I question her in my mind all the time, but I don't voice my thoughts, except on the often moments that I forget to censor my mouth. I have learned it the hard way over the past millennium.

"Yes, Mother."

"Your dress is on your bed. Do not be late. You have five minutes to get ready," Queen Aylissa leaves without spending another glance on me.

I dry myself, wrap the towel around me and walk to my adjoining bedroom. The dress is beautiful. It is as white as snow. I have seen snow once when my father took Aedan and me to the edge of the forest and allowed us to play in the snow for a whole day. My dress has little diamonds woven into the fabric.

I put the dress on. It has a thin, golden chain halter. My shoulders are almost bare, but two thin golden chains strap across my shoulders. The hem is bordered with a thin thread of gold that forms little leaf-like patterns. The dress fits tightly around my waist and bells outward until the fabric forms an ocean of material at my feet. I give a step forward. The material moves with me and makes it look as if I am standing on a gentle breeze.

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