Chapter 34: Laelia - Disgrace

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"... for that which is a disgrace to human nature, throws something of a shade over all the human character, and each individual feels his share of the wound that is given to the whole. " - Thomas Paine

Aedan and I walk back in shame and silence. He doesn't protest when I stop and ask for directions to the palace.

The cobbled road takes us to the broadest peak of the Hiraebav, but not the highest. Hiraebav once only had a fort, a monastery and a hospital atop its heads with stretches deserted stone spanning between its valleys. The first noteworthy Vaubadon had smoked the inhabitants of the three structures out, burned them to a crisp and then claimed the valley for his descendants. He built his castle overlooking his impenetrable fortress on the remaining mountain and had declared that Raven's Peak would stand until the end of times.

The wrought iron gate with specks of rust doesn't look to keen on standing for any time to come, never mind the end of times. Ardam-clad guards in rose and gold stop us at the stone arch supporting the gate. "Your identification papers."

Aedan and I exchange looks. We do not have identification papers.

"We are with the Second Order," Aedan says, indicating to his clothes, and then realising he is dressed in the green of the First, not our rightful blue.

"The Second Order does not reside here."

"We know, but we are with them." I am sure our parents said we would reside here, otherwise how, for holy Alachna's sake, will we have enough opportunity to befriend the Prince?

"I cannot allow you to enter without presenting identification papers."

I lose it. It has been a long day and it didn't turn out as I expected it to.
"I am princess Laelia of the family Darkwood, princess of the elves. This is my brother Aedan Elderlight, prince of the elves. I do not have the identification papers you desire, but you will allow us to enter. Please?" I humbly beg as an afterthought.

The guard looks at us. "Please remain here. I will ask someone to vouch for you." He enters the gate, leaving his companions to awkwardly stare at us until his reappearance with Elorhim Strongwind at his side.

Elorhim nods to the guards. The other guards step away and allow us to enter.

I can imagine that Aylissa's face would look exactly like Elorhim's face does; complete with the disapproving scowl. "I should have left you outside."

"Yes, you could have, but Faolan would have come to get us anyway," Aedan replies with a shrug. "Then you would have been the one in disgrace as you had willingly failed the one task he entrusted to you."

Strongwind's grey eyes turn to steel: "Where are your horses?"

Aedan and I exchange looks. I gulp in preparation for answering, but
Aedan dares it first. "We misplaced them."

Elorhim's scowl deepens, then he remembers that he shouldn't be showing so much emotion, and he withdraws the scowl - replacing it with a forced cool exterior. "I will report this to Faolan."

Elorhim would desire nothing more than to kill us himself and selfishly spare Faolan the trouble.

"Of course you will, you geli-adBrae!

Elorhim's shoulders tense at Aedan's unwarranted insult, but he doesn't answer as he picks his pace up, leading us across the empty courtyard to Katel Vaubadon.

Palace is the last word that comes to mind when describing Katel Vaubadon. Harsh angles jut from the mountain rising into various oblong towers. The impressive and looming façade of what I guess must be the main hall, does little to soften the disagreeable stone structure. Scenes from the bloody and blazing Ardam conquests are carved into an enormous slab resting atop the arch of the main door that consists of more steel than wood.

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