Chapter 29: Laelia - Advice

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  "I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself." - Oscar Wilde  

Elorhim's voice drones on in the surrounding silence of the forest. His incessant bragging and complaining are like that of a mosquito that keeps you up on a hot summer's night. If only I could swat him into a pulp! He has been lecturing us about running off non-stop. Faolan tried to silence him by telling him that we just came into adulthood and were allowed a few minor transgressions. That silenced him for only a few hours before he started a dull one-sided conversation about anything he could think of, yet still not saying anything of significance. Faolan would occasionally state something more interesting, but Elorhim would soon dominate the conversation again.

Elorhim's voice somehow raises above the sounds of hundreds of hooves clopping against the cobbled road upon which we are advancing.  The Connecting Road allows our horses to travel more easily. The shabby road is a patchwork of grey stone, dark moss, and green weeds breaking through the crevices. The roads are rarely used as travellers prefer using the forest paths when moving between cities and the Order only use them once a decade. They were built and previously used by the ArBrae Army, but the Army has not conscripted in millennia. The last time our army assembled was during the lifetimes of our ancestors – Aedan and Faolan Elderlight, sons of Dubhan Darkwood the Great.

The ancient moss on the stones has been uprooted by the company's horses at the lead. 

Faolan and Aedan had forfeited their position at the head of the Order, for tradition and safety sake. There is no danger to Faolan's life here in the forest, but the decoy at the front might prove useful in unfamiliar territory. One of our ancestors had been assassinated while leading his army home.

The road leads us to Telkinom City nine days after our departure. Telkinom city is the biggest city in ArBrae. Only Alachna City ranks above it in wealth and importance, and only because my family lives there. I have never visited it before, as we usually travelled south when visiting the neighbouring cities. There has also never been an urgent need for us to enforce our rule or inspect the rule of the Swiftfoots of Telkinom City. They were very adept in ensuring their city continued to prosper.

I am immediately intrigued by the differences between Telkinom City and Alachna City. The city emerging from the mountain ahead of us is a blend of marble, stone and wood. Vines hanging across the spaces of empty walls provide just enough privacy yet maintaining our tradition of absent walls. The outskirts of the city have been filled by Telkinomians of the Second Order who will be joining us for the rest of the journey.

Telkinom River snakes past opposite sides of the city and is then distally joined by the road that leads to Ardam and Raven's Peak.

"Elorhim, Laelia, and Aedan, we'll be spending the night at the Swiftfoot Palace," Faolan announces to us and shares a last command with the Order.

I'm quite surprised when we don't dismount, but rather ride through the city to the Swiftfoot palace with Elorhim taking the lead. The four-storey palace is the crown of the city and has an impressive marble façade depicting the forest. The walls are overgrown with ivies and other creepers in full bloom. 

Three young ladies await us at the entrance. I can immediately see their resemblance to Elorhim Strongwind in their angular jaws and prominent cheekbones. Two have platinum hair similar to Elorhim's and the third has sandy hair in a tight ponytail.

"Faolan! How long has it been since we last saw each other!" The oldest looking blonde shrieks and embraces him with joy. 

After greeting him she turns to us and tucks a strand of hair behind her pointed ear: "May the sun rise brightly on you! I am Marabel Swiftfoot also of the Family Strongwind, heir to Telkinom, and cousin to Elorhim Strongwind. You must be Aedan. The resemblance is uncanny! And from Elorhim's descriptions, you can only be Laelia! Upon Dubhan Darkwood, I swear it is truly an honour to meet you."

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