Chapter 28: Laelia - Departure

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  "Unless you leave a person both physically and mentally, you are still with that person and there is no real departure!" ― Mehmet Murat Ildan  

Father and Faolan are waiting for us. They are also dressed in blue – father in informal blue and Faolan in the Order's colours.

"I thought you decided to stay, brother and sister. You were taking horribly long."

"We are not missing out on an adventure, Faolan," Aedan replies smilingly.

"But now I will miss out because I have to be your chaperone!"

"We are adults and capable of caring for ourselves," Aedan hisses back.

"Aedan, Faolan knows this. He is just teasing," my father intercedes diplomatically before their quarrel can continue.

"Laelia, are you ready to leave?"

"Yes, Father."

"Faolan and Elorhim will be leading the Second Order to the Mountains. They will accompany you to Raven's Peak where they will collect the supplies that our brethren are due to the Mountains. Prince Pa'drig resides there now and is receiving his military training. The King is at his palace in Ligeia. Your mother wants you to build a relationship with the prince, as she already told you. I expect you to be back in time for the celebration of your next birthday."

I frown. Seems like my father doesn't know about the library.

"Laelia, child, I am allowing you a year out of the Forest. You should smile, and not frown."

I smile, but not convincingly enough: "Thank you, dearest Father."

"Your horses are outside the city where the Second Order is assembling."

I embrace my father.

He whispers into my ear: "Find your path, dear child. Do not let the forest root you for this is not where you are growing."

My father also whispers something to Aedan as they embrace, but I cannot make out the words.

Aylissa doesn't join us and the four of us make our way out of the marble city.

Elves dressed in different traditions of blue are assembled on the outskirts of the city. The usually tranquil main road and forest bustles with activity as horses are being saddled, armour being donned and families saying their blessings to those about to leave.

"Where are all the carts?" I ask.

"Carts?" Faolan asks.

"The supply carts that you are taking to the mountains."

He shrugs: "We'll be getting them at a town close to the mountains."

"Are they already on their way? I don't remember seeing any wagons leave?"

He smiles, and whispers to me: "Apparently, the wagons will be transported by water from here when we get to the town."


He nods: "I also did not know that it was possible."

I marvel at the thought of that: being able to transport a load of supplies all over Ligtland without covering the distance yourself. That would be revolutionary if more widely implemented! The forest is dense and every city is mostly self-sufficient, but the humans of Ardam are scattered through a vast territory. Their regions are dependent on trade, and trade has so many unpredictable variables.

My thoughts change direction when I notice how few women are in the Order. Initially, only men were allowed in the Orders. Initially, the Council decided that only men could join the Orders. I do not think that it is fair at all, but they probably had numerous justifications for their decision. Mother once mentioned that she wasn't allowed to leave the forest as she was married and that marriage was the protection of the forest. It didn't really make sense to me, but I didn't give it much thought at the time. Perhaps that could have been a contributing factor to the Council's decisions.

The Chronicles Of The Council #1: The Sun's Tears Where stories live. Discover now