Chapter 6: Aebbé - Kindness

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"In this world in which we live simplicity and kindness are the only magic wands that work wonders." - L. Frank Baum

Raven's Peak, Ardam 40

As I hurry through the streets, I can't help but notice the changes my city has undergone. I recall the streets bustling with carts, scents of spices creeping up my nostrils, and a multitude of smiling faces whenever we used to go to the various shops in Raven's Peak. The absence of all the familiar sounds is what astonishes me the most. The streets are not deserted, but the townsfolk silently scurry about their business.

You need to move faster. You cannot arrive at dinner too late, I chide myself. I became so immersed in the activity of the hospital, that I forgot to leave on time - even after asking Elan to excuse me earlier.

I run to my quarters. I undress and take a bath. Ria helps me to scrub myself spotlessly clean. She leaves after washing my hair with lavender oil. I put on the blue dress that Ria had put out. It is another magnificent piece that emphasizes my femininity and makes me want to blush and hide, but I don't have time to find something else to put on. My hair curls wildly, but there isn't enough time to do it properly. I pull it into a simple braid, which takes enough effort to do so anyway. I add my teardrop earrings to the outfit. I slip my feet into blue slippers and run to the great hall. I almost trip over my feet in my haste.

This time I wait for the guards to announce me before I enter. I don't listen to their words, but just go in when the one that announces me, nods to me.

The hall is filled with soldiers - all standing when I enter. Only a few people remain sitting - those with a higher status than me. Everyone at the head table in the hall remains seated, and then one other person at a table with the generals of the Second Order. It is the elf who stood up on the night of my arrival.

I give him a brilliant smile. He must be Prince Eoghan Elderlight of the elves. He doesn't return it, but yet again the corners of his mouth twitch slightly upward.

I approach the table where my place is set. I know Friduric and Ferdaid are furious the moment I see their blotching faces.

"Sister, you are late. We started the feast, because we did not know when you will come, and we could not wait for a single girl."

My temper flares up immediately. They shouldn't scold me in public as if I am a child. I glare at Friduric and bite my lip to prevent my response from slipping out of my mouth. I know better than to question his authority in front of his subjects.

"King Friduric, I am sure that Lady Aebbé has a valid excuse for her tardiness. Do you, my Lady?"

I almost smile when I recognize Lord Caith's voice. He is dressed in the same blue as his order. The same golden brooch he wore previously decorates his shoulder.

"My Lord Commander of The Second Order, I beg your forgiveness for my late arrival. I was delayed at the tent for our injured soldiers. I could not abandon them in their hour of need," I reply as sweetly and honestly as I can.

Since I'm begging I might as well ask for something else as well: "I would also like to beg your forgiveness for inappropriately claiming your seat last night." That should soothe my brothers.

His eyes study me intently, burning into my being. "Princess Aebbé, it is an honour to meet you. I have heard tales of your beauty and your unusual behaviour, but I have never believed any. I must confess that I believe them now."

I frown. I am not sure why he is acting as if this is the first time we meet, but then I realize that we have not met each other in public. The second part of his words confuse me even more, but he is probably saying it because custom dictates that when a Lord meets a lady for the first time, he must pay her a compliment. I have received my fair share of compliments, but -

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