Tom's Brother's visit

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Tord's P.o.V
I was lying on the couch in Tom's apartment. Tom said he had to go out, so I'm here alone.
*knock knock*
"Edd you have a key!" I yelled, "Also if you want Tom. He's not here!"
*knock knock*
I rolled my eyes and got up.
I unlocked the door and opened it.
"Hi. I'm looking for Tom." The person said excitedly.
"He's not home right now. I could call him if yo-." I started.
"You must be Tom's roommate." He said.
"Yeah his roommate." I said.
"I'm Tim. His brother." Tim said.
"Tom has a brother?" I asked.
"Yep." Tim smiled.
"Faen. I'm Tord." I said, "Tom should be home soon if you want to come in."
He nodded and walked in. I'd have a little talk with Tom later over just being roommates.
"What happened to your arm?" Tim asked.
"TIM! TODD!" Matt yelled.
"Tom's not home!" I yelled.
"He said my name though." Tim said.
"He calls Tom Tim all the time." I explained.
Matt was a good distraction though.
The door opened and Tom came in.
"Hi Tim. Hi Tord." Tom said smiling.
"Hello Thomas. Mind if I ask where you have been?" I asked.
"You'll find out later." Tom sang.
I smirked. When he said that. I could do whatever I wanted with that body of his.
"Hi Tom. I decided that I wanted to come spend a couple of days with you." Tim smiled.
"That's great." Tom grinned.
"I'll sleep on the couch. You guys both have to keep your rooms." Tim said.
"Thomas are you sure he's your brother? He is nothing like you." I asked.
"Yes I'm sure. We have the same eyes." Tom smiled.
They both had black voids. Tom's hair was spiked and Tim's was not spiked as much. Their hair color was the same and Tim wore a blue long sleeve shirt instead of a hoodie.
"Oh Tord. Follow me." Tom said pulling on my hoodie.
I followed him into his room and sat on the bed.
"So Tordy. We're going to have postpone our fun for a few days, but I'll let you have a few more rounds than we usually do." Tom whispered.
This turned me on. The way he said things.
"But we can't sleep together." He continued.
"Why not?" I whined.
"My family doesn't know I'm gay. Especially for the Red Leader and a criminal and someone who tried to kill me." Tom answered.
I nodded.
Tom would be tired in the morning. He need me to sleep. It would be funny to watch him fall asleep in the middle of the day, but he was my boyfriend so I had to be nice.
Tom left his room and went back to his brother. When his brother left. He would beg for me to be rough and hard. I smiled. I got up and left the room.
"I can share a room with Tord. It's fine." Tom said.
"Oh you don't have to do that!" Tim said.
"You're my brother. It's fine right Tord?" Tom asked.
"I can share a room with Jehovah's witness." I said.
"Okay then." Tim said.
"You can have Tord's room. Right?" Tom asked.
"Ja." I said.
(Yes or yeah)
"Okay?" Tim said confused, "oh you didn't answer my question about your arm and eye."
"Tom skutt meg med en harpun." I explained.
(Tom shot me with a harpoon)
"I got Tom and harpoon from that sentence." Tim said.
"You know why he's talking Norwegian. It's because he doesn't want you to know what happened." Tom explained.
"Exactly." I said.
I laughed. Tom rolled his 'eyes' because I do this whenever he asked about the Red Army or when he asks a question I don't feel like answering.
"This is the one time I'll put up with your language." Tom said.
"You're just mad because you don't know it. I could teach you." I smiled.
"No thank you Commie. I now 4 words and that's all I want to know." Tom said.
"Is it jeg elskler deg and Faen?" I asked.
"I don't know Faen.  I do know Jeg elsker deg.  I heard you say it multiple times."  Tom said.
"I just typed both into google translate.  Jeg elsker deg means I love you, and Faen means fuck." Tim said.
"Thanks Tim." Tom said.
It was getting late.  Tim went to my room and Tom set a bed up for me on the floor so it would look like we were just roommates. 
"God natt min elskede" I said.
(Good night my love)
"Had no clue what you said, but I'm just going think you said good night."  Tom said.
"Yep." I yawned and went to sleep.

3rd person

Tim woke up in the middle of the night.  He decided to check on Tom, because he was awake.  Tim looked into Tom's room.  Tord was fast asleep on the floor, but Tom was sweating and moving around.
Tim went over to Tord and woke him up.
"What do you want Jehovah?"  Tord asked.
"It's Tim.  Tom's not sleeping well.  What's wrong?" Tim asked.
"He's probably having a bad dream." Tord yawned.
Tord got up and went over to Tom. 
"Thomas.  Are you alright?" Tord asked shaking him.
Tom moaned bit. 
"TOM!" Tim yelled.
"What?  What did I do?" Tom said sleepy.
"You moaned when Tord touched you." Tim said.
Tom blushed a bit. He also felt hot.
"Thomas. Are you in heat?" Tord asked seriously.
Tom blushed harder. Tim didn't know about his monster DNA. Also Tord usually helped when he was in heat.
"What's heat?" Tim asked.
"Oh nothing. Tom just sweats a lot. Nothing more." Tord lied.
"Tord usually helps me with them. He's a good friend." Tom smiled.
"Well I'm gonna go back to bed. If you need anything just yell." Tim said leaving.
Tord walked over to the door and locked it.
"So Thomas. Need a little help~?" Tord said licking his lips.
"Yeah, but nothing to rough. I still need to be able to walk. Also no teasing. And no making me moan loud." Tom said.
"I promise I will keep you quiet." Tord smiled.
Tord pulled Tom's pants down first and then his.
"Are you sure about this Thomas?" Tord asked.
"Yes. I'm sure." Tom said.
"Okay then."  Tord said.
Instead of going right away, Tord gave Tom time to comprehend what he had just asked for. 
"Thomas your brother is here.  Are you sure you want this?" Tord asked.
Tom nodded.
Tord rolled his eyes and went in covering Tom's mouth.  Tord went into Tom.  Good thing Tord had his hand over Tom's mouth or that would have been louder. 
"Tord.  Kiss me."  Tom begged.
Tord smiled and placed his lips on Tom's as he started to go.  Tom moaned into the kiss.  It didn't help that Tord wanted to switch his lips for his hand again so he could go to Tom's neck. 
Tom broke the kiss giving him a death stare.
"Do it and my family will kill you." Tom growled.
Tord nodded quickly and started to kiss him again.

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