Chapter 1

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It's the first day of training at the academy. My family finally made enough money for me to train for the Hunger Games. Today I turn 8 years old and are officially eligible for the academy. In district two, we are all about bringing pride to our district, and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

When I arrived to the academy, I am greeted by a woman named Taylor. She tells me the rules about training. I walk over to the knife throwing station with a few other 8 year olds, and wait in line. Knife throwing was what I was best at when I practiced at home. I would throw them into a tree in my back yard.

When it's my turn, I pick up a few knifes. These knifes were much better than the ones I practice with at home. They were smaller, but much smoother and sharper. I aim at the dummy, and release the blade. It spins through the air, and finds its way into the center of the heart. A few other students gasp. I threw the rest, and they landed dead center as well.

"Well done Clove!" Taylor says. "Looks like someone needs to move to a more advanced level. Keep throwing knifes as I talk to your parents."

After about 10 minutes, Taylor walked up to me.

"Come Clove, you're joining the 10 year olds now." She says as she grabbed my hand, pulling me with her. The 10 year olds! I don't think I'm that advanced.

When I arrived to a similar looking gym, I see a lot of kids who are much bigger than me. A few of them glance at me, and one girl snickers to her friends. Then she walks over to me.

"What's a runt like you doing with people like us?" She asks. Taylor heard what she said.

"Saline! You should not treat Clove this way! She was much more advanced than the other 8 year olds, so we moved her up." Taylor says angrily.

"Sorry ma'm! I just wanted to know." Saline replied. She walks away and whispers to another girl and two boys.

I walked over to the knife station when Taylor left, and got in line. When it was my turn, a few people laughed, a lot of them were watching me. I pick a knife up and throw it at a dummy. It hits the heart. A few people gasp. The gym goes silent, and I know everyone's watching me. I throw two more, one landing in the center of the skull, and the other one lands in the center of the neck. I threw one more. When I let go I knew it wasn't a good throw. It lands about half an inch from the heart. I hear Saline laughing behind me, and I turn around.

"Looks like the little runt isn't as good as we thought she was!" She says rudely. The girl and one of the boys in her little "group" began laughing as well. The other boy just stands there watching me with sympathy.

After training, I start walking home when someone stops me.

"Hi! I'm Cato. I saw you throw knifes! You're really good." He says kindly. It was one of the boys from Saline's group. The one who didn't laugh at me. This had to be some sort of joke.

"Nice try. I know Saline and her friends dared you to talk to me." I reply.

"No she didn't! I swear on my life!" He replied.

"Oh." I say. "Well thank you!" I reply. Cato looks at the ground.

"Goodnight." He says.

"Goodnight." I replied. We turn separate ways and walk home.

The next day of training was worse. Turns out Saline liked Cato, and she saw him talking to me last night.

"Hey runt! I saw you talking to Cato last night! You better stay away from him!" She says.

"He came up to me! It wasn't my fault!" I replied. Saline's face turns read, and she grabs a knife from a rack.

"You have no chance with him! And I'll make sure of it." Saline says. She pushes me to the ground. She raised the knife above her head and smirks. I gulp. This is the end. As she begins to bring the knife down, someone grabbed her hand.

"STOP!" Cato screams. Then he picks her up and throws her across the gym. Saline hits the ground, possibly breaking a lot of bones. She passes out on the ground, blood soaking into a rug. Medics rush over to Saline. Cato helps me up.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I am now." I say smiling.

Cato and I became best friends for the next 7 years, maybe even something more. One year of the Hunger Games, Saline was chosen to compete. She died by a boy from 7 who slit her neck. I was happy because I didn't have to watch my back for her trying to kill me anymore, but also felt a little sad because she was only 14. Life was perfect. Too perfect.

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