Chapter 5

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*Clove's P.O.V*

Today is the private training sessions with the gamemakers. Marvel goes first. He comes out 15 minutes later looking down.

"What's wrong Marvel?" Glimmer asks.

"I didn't do as well as I wanted." He says. Then he leaves. Glimmer goes next. 10 minutes later, she comes out with a huge grin.

"I did so good!" She cheers. I roll my eyes when she isn't looking. Then Cato goes in. About 13 minutes later, he comes out looking pleased. He smiles at me as I walk into the large room.

"Clove Sevina, district 2." I say. The gamemakers nod, queuing me to start. I grab knifes and throw them into dummies. They find there way into the center. Every single one. I keep throwing until the gamemakers dismiss me. I grin from ear to ear. I did good. Very good.

The scores are on the TV that night. Marvel is first. He got a 9. Not bad. Glimmer is next. She scores a 7. That shows her true colors. Careers should have at least an 8. Cato is next. He got a 10. We congratulated him on his score. I am next. I also got a 10! Maria scores a 9. Thresh scores a 10. Rue, the 12 year old, managed to score a 7. Maybe we should trade her in for Glimmer. Peeta scores an 8. And then Katniss is one screen with an 11! How did she score an 11? I yell and chuck a pillow. Cato chucks his glass filled with water to the ground, shattering it. He yells and stomps us off to his room. I follow him.

We let our rage out. We threw everything around, trashing the place, until we were out of breath.

"I swear to god Imma kill them. Slow and bloody." Cato says.

"Same. I hate those stupid brats!" I say. "I get the girl."

"Yeah, sure." He answered. I smirk, and Cato smirks back. I begin to think about my family, how I might never see them again. Then I think about how Cato saved me from Saline, and how I never thanked him.

"I forgot to thank you." I say. "For saving me from Saline."

"No big deal." He says.

"Yes it is! I would have died." I say.

"Well she's the one dead, not you. And you're welcome." He replies. We walk out into the living room to discuss about what to do in the arena with Brutus and Enobaria. We talk about how we should not leave the cornucopia, and how we should kill everyone that's not in our alliance.

When Cato goes to bed, I go to my own room. I end up having nightmares again. I dream about Daisy, my little sister, dying. I wake up screaming. A few seconds later, Cato comes in asking if I'm okay.

"Just nightmares. I'm okay." I say.

"Okay, want me to stay?" He asks.

"Please." I answered. I fall asleep in Cato's protective arms, and sleep nightmare free.

The next morning, Salia wakes us up saying that we would not be practicing for our interviews.

"Just be yourself, and people will like you. Answer truthfully. It makes everything much easier." Salia says. I smile. I get to hang out with Cato all day.

Tomorrow night, the tribute interviews will take place. The next morning we will be sent into the arena. I only have 2 days left before the games.

Cato and I order shakes. I get cookies and cream, and Cato gets chocolate. They were very milky, cold, and delicious. We make fun of the other tributes, and make a bet on who will get the most kills.

"Bonus points if you torture them." Cato says. We laugh hard at that one. Then Brutus and Enobaria enter the room.

"We have come up with a way you could both win the Hunger Games." Enobaria says.

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