Chapter 23

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I'm walking through the jungle, and the next thing I know is a knife is whizzing through the air, heading straight towards my heart. Everything is in slow motion. It was Madge who threw it. The knife rotates swiftly through the air. I close my eyes and wait for the impact, but it never comes. Confused, I open my eyes to see Enobaria with a knife in her chest right in front of me. I quickly throw a spear towards Madge, but she avoids it by sprinting away.

I focus on Enobaria. After all, she did just save my life.

"Why? Why did you do this?" I whimper. She looks up at me and smiles.

"I made a promise to Clove before the games. I told her that I would make sure you get out, even if it means my own death." She says faintly. "She's special you know. Don't ever let her go."

"Thank you Enobaria. For everything." Say. Enobaria smiles, then shuts her eyes, and a cannon fires. I force myself up to walk away, Finnick by my side. We walk quietly, until he breaks the silence.
"We should head back to camp. We're both exhausted and need to eat and drink." Finnick says. I nod. We turn towards the direction of our camp, and pick up our pace.

When we reach camp, Finnick tells me to lay down. I get into my sleeping bag while he gives me food and water. I eat the food, but don't drink much of the water.

"Drink it!" Finnick demands. "You're dehydrated." I force myself to drink, one sip at a time, until my canteen was empty.

"Go to sleep Cato. I'll take first watch." Finnick says.

"Okay." I reply. "You better wake me up half way through the night or I'm gonna be pissed." He never did wake me up though.

I wake up to the rising sun, bringing a new day. Then I see Finnick fidgeting with his trident.

"You were supposed to wake me up." I say coldly.

"It's okay. You needed the rest. I'll sleep now if it makes you feel any better." Replies Finnick. He gets into his sleeping bag, and closes his eyes, probably dreaming of a better word.


Teaming up with this girl wasn't my first option, but now that I'm with her, I realized something. She has an extraordinary talent for throwing knives.

"Katniss tried to teach me with a bow" Madge said. "But I was more into knives. I practiced every day in secret, just in case I was reaped."

She had already taken down 2 members of the career pack, and I wouldn't be surprised if she took out the rest.

We are sitting in the woods, each of us having a sleeping bag, food, and water. Madge is looking into her locket.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's my token from my parents. It has a picture of them and Katniss so I can remember them." She replied.

"I'm very sorry I couldn't get Katniss out of the arena. How they ended her was horrible." I say. Madge scowls.

"I should have thrown another knife at him when I had the chance." She growls.

"Who? I ask.

"Cato, the boy from 2" she answered. I don't want him to die. If Katniss and Peeta couldn't have gotten out of the arena, I'm glad Cato and Clove did. I can tell what they have is real, and it would be a shame if one of them were to die.

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