Chapter 14

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*Clove's POV*

When I get out of the shower, I noticed Cato and Brutus were gone.

"Where are the boys?" I ask.

"They went to go meet some fans." Enobaria says.

"Without me?" I say.

"Yeah. There was a huge Cato fan who was offering a lot of money to meet him." Replied Enobaria.

"Oh." Is all I managed to get out. Without me? I don't think Cato would go to meet a fan without me. I feel like there is something I don't know about going on.

After an hour or so, Cato and Brutus return.

"Man that kid really didn't want me to leave." Cato says.

"I know! He cried when I even mentioned leaving!" Brutus responds. Some one here is lying. I can tell. Whatever is going on, they obviously don't want me knowing. I'm just gonna stay out of their business.

The next morning, I am prepared for my interview. I wear a pretty gold dress that reminds me of my chariot parade costume. I look like a warrior once again.

Once I take the stage with Cato, we are pointed over to a couch to sit on. Then the show begins.

"Welcome! Thank you everyone watching tonight as this years victors will be crowned. But first, we will be asking them a few questions." Caesar Flickerman says. The crowd erupts into an applause.

"So Cato, what was going on before the games?" Asks Caesar.

"Well, after I volunteered to protect Clove, She asked me what was going to happen because the Hunger Games only could have one victor. I told her we would win together, or not at all. Either way we could be with each other." Cato answers. A few of the audience members wipe away tears.

"Clove, what was going through your mind when you found out that not one, but two victors may be crowned." Asks Caesar.

"Well Caesar, I knew in my heart that I wanted to be with him, and when I was told that both of us could survive, I knew we could make it." I say. Caesar even wipes a tear, but moves on.

"Cato, what went through your mind when Thresh was about to kill Clove?" Caesar asks.

"When Clove cried out my name, I knew I was too far, but that didn't stop me. I felt so much adrenaline coursing through me, that I just sprinted as hard as possible to her. If Thresh killed Clove, I could never forgive myself, and it would have probably drove me insane." Cato responded. I smile and he takes my hand.

"Clove, why did you choose such a brutal, bloody death for Katniss Everdeen?" Caesar asked.

"She showed me up. Took away all my sponsors, as well as my spotlight. Katniss made us careers look like fools. Blew up all my supplies. She killed 3 of my friends, and gave me several wounds. I just wanted to return the favor." I say. Caesar nods his head.

"One last question tonight. Cato, why did you pull out the poison strawberries?" Caesar questions.

"Like I said before, we would win together, or not at all. I couldn't bear the thought of living a life without her." Cato replies. A lot of the audience members sob, reaching for handkerchiefs to wipe their wet eyes. Then President Snow walks up to us with only one crown. You could hear the capitals confusion. Then Snow twists the crown, and it splits into two. One is placed on Cato's head, and the other on mine.

"Congratulations." Snow says. I was officially crowned victor.

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