Chapter 15

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*Cato's Pov*
Once we were crowned victors, Clove and I were sent to the train that would bring us back to district 2, our home. Tomorrow when we arrive, we will walk out on stage with our adoring fans, friends, and family in the crowd. That would be when I propose to Clove. I loved her so much, and I need her in my life more that anything. When we aboard the train, we immediately take off. We would arrive tomorrow around 10. Clove walks over to me.

"Did you mean everything you said in your interview?" She asks.

"Every last word." I answered. She smiles, and instantly makes me do the same. I pull her in for a long kiss, when we are broken apart.

"Enough. I have to talk to you two." Brutus says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"That little stunt you pulled with the strawberries and poison ticked off the gamemakers. They are not one to be made a fool out of." He replied.

"It wasn't to make a fool out of them, we couldn't be separated. That's why we did that." Clove says. I nod.

"And your job is to not let them think otherwise." Brutus says.

"Okay. We understand." I say. Brutus walks off.

"I think we should get some sleep. Then we can have enough energy for our homecoming party tomorrow night." Clove says.

"Alright." I say. We snuggle into a large bed, and when I shut my eyes to sleep, I wish I hadn't.

Cato's dream
I am in the arena, concealed by bushes, when I hear my name being cried. I instantly get up and run towards the direction of the sound. Then I see Clove tied up on a poll with Katniss holding a lit torch. The rest of the tributes surrounding her were chanting: "Burn her! Burn her!" I sprint towards her, and Katniss zips around to face me.

"Welcome Cato! We have been waiting for you." She says. Then I loose complete control of my body. I am picking up the torch and heading over towards Clove. The only word I could use to describe her face would be shocked.

"Cato?" She cried quietly. I try my best to break out of whatever is controlling my body, but it was no use. My arm stretches out to touch the fire to the tip of the rope. Then the fire spread. Clove's screams were haunting. She suffered horribly. Then, she collapsed on the ground dead. A cannon fires, then I wake up.

I am breathing heavily from a nightmare. A bad one. Clove is asking me what was happening in my nightmare, but I refused to tell her.

"Wake up tributes!" Tulip cheers while pounding on the door. I stomp over towards her and open up the door, then without thinking, I yell in her face.

"We're not tributes anymore you idiot!" I yell. She frowns.

"That's no way for a tribute to act." Tulip responds. Then she walks away.

"What an idiot." Clove says.

"I couldn't agree more." I say. Then I remember what's going on today. I would propose is a few hours.

I get dressed in my own room, wearing a simple white button up shirt with black pants. I pull out the box containing the ring I selected. It was an expensive ring with 13 diamonds incrusted into it. It was perfect. She was perfect.

When we finally arrived in district 2, we are let out of the train onto the stage. The crowd goes wild. I smile and wave. Brutus hands me a microphone and the crowd cheers die down. I take Clove's hand and smile at her.

"There is something important I've wanted to ask you since the day I laid eyes on you. You are the only person who has such a big impact on my life. Clove, you are my everything, so with that said, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I pull out the ring box and open it. She smiles.

"Yes!" She cries. I put the ring on her finger. Perfect fit. Clove begins crying tears of joy, and the audience goes wild. I pull her in for a long kiss, and the crowd begins cheering even louder. Everything in my life was how I had always wanted it to be. My dreams have become reality. I would marry the girl of my dreams.

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