Chapter 16

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*Clove's Pov*

two months later

The victory tour was hard on me. Facing the families of the children I had killed, their heartbroken faces starting at me with hatred. After the tour, Cato and I planned our wedding. It would be tomorrow afternoon. I had to pick a wedding dress out, so a chose a simple, but elegant looking one. Jinx and the prep team came to district 2 to help decorate. It would take place at a park near the training center where we first met. The scenery was decorated with white flowers and silks. The entire district was invited.

I sat on my bed in my new house, admiring my dress, when my little sister Daisy came in.

"Clove, am I gonna be the flower girl?" She asks.

"If you want to be." I reply.

"Okay, I will." Daisy said. Daisy is 11 years old, so she hasn't faced the reaping yet. My mother walks in the room.

"Is Daisy bothering you?" She asks.

"No. She's fine." I reply.

"Okay. Supper will be served in ten minutes." My mother says. Then she leaves with Daisy trailing behind her. Then I am alone in my room. I turn on the TV to see Caesar Flickerman talking about the wedding. He said it would be broadcasted so that the whole country could see. I frown. I never agreed to this.

For supper, we eat steak with baked potatoes. Then there was a knock at my door, so I open it.

"Hi Clove." Jinx says.

"Hello." I replied.

"We brought your wedding cake!" One of the prep team members exclaimed. Daisy pushes her way through.

"Let me see!" She says. They bring in a large box, then carefully open it. Inside was a cake two feet high with many layers. It was white with little roses.

"Ooh!" Daisy says. It was very pretty.

"We better get going. See you tomorrow at your wedding Clove!" Jinx says. Then he leaves.

"You better get to bed. You have a big day tomorrow!" My mom says.

  "Okay." I say. I walk upstairs, lay in bed, and fall asleep.

"Clove! Wake up." My mom says. I open my eyes, and it's morning.

"Go get yourself rinsed off before the prep team arrives!" She says. I yawn.

"Fine." I say. Then I remember that today is my wedding. I eagerly get out of bed and take a relaxing bath. When I get out, I put on my robe, and the prep team knocks on my bathroom door. I open.

"Clove! I'm so exited!" Jinx says with a huge grin. He takes a blow drier and dries my wet hair.

"We're gonna go discuss what we should do with your hair and makeup down in your kitchen. Put on your dress, and we will be up soon." He says. I nod, and then he leaves. When I put on my dress and look in the mirror, I smile. It's just what I wanted. When the prep team comes back upstairs, they admire my dress.

"You definitely made the right choice with that dress!" One of the members says. Then they work on my face and hair. When they are done, I look in the mirror. My makeup, isn't heavy. It just makes my features stand out more beautifully. My hair is in a bun that was a braid wrapped around it. There are loose pieces of hair in front of my ears, giving it a beautiful, but natural look. It was perfect.

When I walk downstairs, my mom, dad, and sister are drooling over me, telling me how amazing I looked. Then, we leave for the wedding.


When the music plays, I begin to walk down the isle with my arm linked with my father's. Cato was standing up front smiling, looking as handsome as ever. When we reach the front, my father lets go, and I walk up to face Cato. My fingers interlock with his. The priest begins the ceremony.

"Do you, Cato Hadley, take Clove Sevina to be your wife?" He asks.

"I do." Cato answers.

"Do you, Clove Sevina take Cato Hadley to be your husband?" The priest asks.

"I do." I say.

"Then with the power in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He says. Cato leans in, and we kiss in front of all of district 2. The crowd erupted into an applause as Cato and I walk back down the isle hand in hand. I smile. I was now Clove Hadley.

Authors note:

As you all know, the quarter quell is coming up. Do you guys want Cato and Clove to go back into the games or do you want them to be the mentors?

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