Chapter 3

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*Clove's P.O.V*

Today is the opening ceremonies. I meet my stylist who's name is Jinx. He ripped the hair from my body, making me feel very sore. Then he rubs lotion that soothes my raw skin.

"I think you're really gonna like your chariot costume. I think it suits you." Jinx says. He pulls out a metallic gold dress with a long shimmering cape that has a matching head piece and boots. It was the coolest costume I have ever seen. I try it on and look in the mirror. I am no longer a little girl. I am a golden warrior.

"I love it!" I say.

"I knew you would." He replies. Then, the rest of the prep team comes in to work on my makeup and hair. They use gold eyeliner on my eyes, and add gold glitter on my body. For my hair, they French braid it down my back.

"You look amazing!" A member of the prep team exclaimed. I smile.

"Thank you." I replied. Then Jinx brings me into the stable where Cato is there wearing an almost identical outfit. He is giving other tributes smirks and glares.

"Already intimidating the other tributes?" I ask.

"Yeah. We don't have much competition." He answers.

We hop in the chariot as district one begins moving. We're next. When we roll out, the crowd is cheering like crazy. Cato and I managed to make the crowd like us, but also show them how fierce we are. I hold my head up high, proud to be representing district 2. Then the crowd begins to go wild. At first I think they are cheering for us, until I see it. The district 12 tributes have costumes that look like they are on fire. How dare they steal our spotlight! They will be the first to go in the arena.

When the chariot ride ends, Cato and I stomp into the elevator, furious. District 12 has outshone us. Brutus and Enobaria, our mentors, tell us how great we looked. We don't reply, and they know why. We hit button 2, and ride up to our floor. I slump down on a couch and let out a frustrating sigh. Cato sits next to me.

"They stole our sponsors." I pout.

"Don't worry, Clove, once everyone sees how good you are at throwing knifes and how good I am at combat, sponsors will line up around the block for us." He says.

"Okay. Thanks." I say.

"By the way, you looked cool tonight." Cato said.

"Thanks, you too." I replied

"I know." Cato says with a grin. I play punch him.

"Dinners ready!" Salia says. Cato and I sit at a large table with our mentors, stylists, and Salia. We are served a plump turkey with a creamy sauce pored on top. Then there are mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, and a variety of fruits and vegetables on a silver tray. We dig in. It was the most delicious meal I have ever had in my entire life. I eat until I can't hold another bite.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I say excusing myself. I get up and head to my room. It's even nicer than I expected. There is a machine where you whisper a food and less than a minute later, it appears fresh. When I get in the shower, there is a row of buttons with different temperatures, pressures, shampoos, conditioners, and body wash. It was the coolest thing ever. I try almost all the scents. When I get out, I am instantly dried. Then, this thing sends a current through my hair, drying and untangling it. My hair is as soft as silk. I go back out to the main room, and see that Cato has left. I sit on the couch and watch all the reapings. There is the weird boy and girl from one who Cato and I will be teaming with. There is a sly looking red head girl from five. A monstrous dark boy from 11 who makes even Cato look small. The girl from his district is the complete opposite though. She is, small, delicate, and looks sweet. Then there is the district 12 tributes. I glare at the girl as she volunteers for her younger sister. I position the television remote like I would with a knife.

"Looks like someone really hates district 12." Cato says as he sits on a chair next to mine.

"Yeah." I say.

"I promise we will kill them both." He says with a reassuring smile.

"We will." I say smirking.

I go to bed at 11:00, but once I fall asleep, I regret it. How many times do I have to watch Cato die! One time I even killed him. I wake up hearing a scream that I know belongs to me. Cato bursts through the door.

"Are you having nightmares again?" Cato asks.

"Yeah." I answer.

"You can stay in my room." He says.

"Okay." I get up and lay in the bed with him. I surprisingly fall asleep nightmare free.

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