Chapter 4

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*Cato's P.O.V*

Salia wakes me up early to inform me that today is a big day.

"It's the first day of training! Get up!" She cheers with her stupid capital accent. I noticed that Clove wasn't in my room. She must have went back to hers. I get up and put on my training outfit. It is a black shirt with red lining, and the number 2 is on both shoulders and the top in the back. It's a bit of a tight fit, but I don't mind. I'm not fat. We also have a black pair of pants.

I walk into the main room and eat breakfast. Clove comes in wearing the same outfit. It may look boring, but she still looks great.

"Good morning tributes!" Tulip, my stylist says. Ugh I hate her so much. I wish I had Jinx instead. Maybe I could shove her into the tube to take my place... no that would be stupid. I would be executed and I couldn't protect Clove. Anyway, we are served pancakes with sweet syrup and soft butter. I have never had pancakes before. They were absolutely delicious, but I can't have too many calories. I don't want to be fat. We finish eating, and get in the elevator to head to training.

When Clove and I arrive, we are instructed on what to do, but I don't pay attention. Instead, I smirk and glare at other tributes, making them coward. We begin training. I head over to the sword area first. I cut off a bunch of the dummy's heads. I noticed a lot of other tributes watching me. I turn around to see half the tributes watching.

"What are you looking at!" I yell. All the tributes zip back around and pretended they never saw me. I chuckle, when I see her coming over to me. A snotty rich girl from district one with blond curls bouncing down her back. Uhh!

"Hi I'm Glimmer! You must be Cato!" She says.

"Yep." I reply. Then she calls her district partner over.

"Hi I'm Marvel." He says. He's tall, but doesn't look that athletic. I call Clove over and she introduces herself.

"Should we talk to district 4 and see if they're careers too?" Marvel asks.

"Yeah, sure." I reply. Clove and Glimmer head over to the girl, while Marvel and I walk over to the boy. He looks like he's about 13 years old. He doesn't look athletic either.

"Are you a Career?" Marvel asks.

"No, but I'm good with a knife." He says. He is a short, skinny boy with an ugly face and a curly red Afro

"What's your name? Clown? You look like one. And don't get your hopes up kid, we don't want you." I say harshly as I turn to leave with Marvel right behind me. A few minutes later, Clove and Glimmer walk back with the girl from 4.

"Hey, I'm Maria." She says.

"I'm Marvel, and he's Cato!" Marvel says while pointing to me.

"Hey." I say.

"What are you good with?" Clove asks.

"I can throw axes well." Maria says. We ask her to show us. We walk over to the axe throwing station, and she throws three. All three hit somewhere close to the center.

"Not bad. We could use you." I say. She smirks.

"Okay." Maria says. Then, we are called to lunch. I sit with the other careers and learn about their lives. Glimmer brags about how she's so good at archery. Funny, I haven't seen her shoot. Marvel talks about his family. Maria talks about the academy she attended. Clove and I don't talk about our past.

After training is over, I came up with what all the careers are good at. I'm good with swords and spears, Clove is great at throwing knifes, Marvel is a good spear thrower, Maria is good with axe throwing, and I concluded that Glimmer is complete trash at everything. I am going to make sure she's the first Career to die.

When we get back to our room, we eat and go to bed. I sleep in Clove's room, but my dreams are still full of all kinds of terror. I know it's fake, but it seems so... real.

I think about how the Hunger Games start in 4 days. I could be dead in 4 days. No, I'm gonna make to the end with Clove. I won't die. I will make it home with Clove together, or not at all.

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