Chapter 2

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Today is the day I've been dreading. Today Cato will volunteer to become a tribute in the 74th annual Hunger Games. If he dies, I will never see him again. I get out of bed and put my reaping outfit on. I choose a black, sleeveless dress that reaches my knees, black heels, and a pretty necklace. I curl my dark brown hair that reaches to my waist. As I look in the mirror, there is a knock at my door. I answer, and its Cato.

"Cato!" I exclaimed as I ran into his open arms. He smiles at me. God I'm going to miss him so much. Then I get an idea.

"Don't volunteer! I can't loose you! Life is worth more than dying to bring little pride to your district." I cry. Cato freezes for a second.

"You're right. I've been so stupid Clove! I don't want to throw my life away! I want to be with you!" He says. He kisses me on the forehead.

"You promise you won't volunteer?" I ask.

"Promise." He replied.
We walk to the reaping hand in hand. We check in.

"Good luck Clove." He says as he makes his way over to the 18 year old section. I walk over to the 16 year old section and stand still for about 15 minutes until Salia, the district 2 escort, takes the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 74th annual Hunger Games where I will draw one courageous young man and woman for the honor of competing for district 2. But before I do, here's a clip brought to you by the capital!" She plays the same video they play every year that basically says we're worthless and the capital has every right to punish us. I roll my eyes as it says the final sentence.

"I just love that." Salia sighs.

"Like usual, ladies first!" Salia moves her hand around the bowl and takes one slip of paper out.

"Clove Sevina!"

Cato's POV

They drew Clove's name. I am waiting for one of the 18 year olds to volunteer to take her place, but nobody does.

"Retards." I mumble under my breath. A few boys glance at me. I know what I have to do, even if Clove hates me for it. I will volunteer, and I don't care if she's mad.

"Now for the boys!"

Salia ends up drawing some 16 year old. I shove my way through the crowd, pushing kids over.

"I volunteer!" I shout. I walk up to the stage.

"And what's your name?"

"Cato Hadley" I replied. I smile for the crowd and wave as they cheer like crazy.

"Our tributes for the 74th annual Hunger Games, Cato Hadley, and Clove Sevina! All right you two, shake hands." Salia says. Clove looks at me and I look at her. She looks hurt.

We are sent into the justice building to say our goodbyes. My parents, brother, and friend visit me. I lie saying I will do everything to get back, when in reality, I'm doing everything to get Clove back. After goodbyes, we board the train. Clove is sitting on a couch crying, so I sit next to her.

"You promised not to volunteer!" She cries.

"I'm sorry, but I would rather die knowing I helped you to the best of my ability than to watch you die on T.V. knowing there was something I could have done." I replied. Clove wipes away her tears.

"We can't look weak." She says. "Were Careers."

"Nobody can see you here. It's okay." I Reply. Clove does something that surprises me. She kissed me. When we finally pull away, I smile at her.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too!" I replied.

"What are we gonna do?" She asks.

"We either win together, or die together... we will end up with each other. I promise." I say.

That night, Clove told me to stay with her in her room, and I don't object. I hold her until she falls asleep, and soon later, I fall asleep as well.

"Ahhh!" Salia shrieks. I wake up and see her staring at me and Clove with a shocked look.

"What's going on?" Brutus, my mentor, asks.

"They were sleeping together!" Salia replies. Brutus chuckles. It's hard to take her seriously with that stupid capital accent.

"They are mature young adults." Brutus says. "Let them handle it on their own."

Salia turns and walks away as if nothing ever happens, but I hear her blabbing to everyone else about what she just saw.

It's going to be a long week.

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