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There was yet another war. Most of the capital surrendered, but the unlucky ones who didn't ended up dead. There are no longer any hunger games. The fences around the districts are being taken down, and people are free to go wherever they want.

Cato and I still live in our house at district 2. I gave birth to our daughter last year. We named her Tara. She has Cato's blue eyes with my dark hair and freckles. I still throw knives daily because it is my life. As victors, neither Cato or I need a job, letting us spend more time with Tara. We visit Brutus daily, usually to drink a cup of coffee and retell hunger games stories.

I keep in touch with Marvel and Maria and even call Peeta once in a while. Peeta told me now that he's finishing up school, he's going to take over his family's bakery. Marvel is now a lawyer. Maria moved to the district one area to become a fashion designer.

The country of Panem is expanding, new cities being added on to every day. Cato and I are staying here though. After all we've been through, we survived it all. We finally get freedom to do whatever we want. And it will stay that way. Forever.

Author's note: this is the end of the book, but if it gets at least 1,000 reads I will begin writing a sequel about Tara. Share this book with friends if you want a sequel. Thanks for reading!

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