Chapter 6

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*Cato's P.O.V*

Enobaria tells Clove and I that she came up with a way for both of us to win.

"How?" I ask.

"You can be the star crossed lovers from district 2. Everyone will love it! Then the gamemakers will have no choice but to let two out, or else the capital citizens will be furious."

"That's actually a really smart idea." Clove says.

"But only if you agree. We already know there is something going on between you, and we want you both coming back to district 2." Brutus says.

"I agree." Clove says.

"Same." I say.

"Okay, just be honest about how you feel about each other. It makes everything more believable." Enobaria says.


It's the night of the interviews. I am wearing a simple silver suit. Nothing amazing, but Clove however, looks beautiful. She wore a strapless orange, pink, and red dress. She looked perfect. Glimmer tries to impress me before we take the stage, but all I see is a trash sack. An ugly trash sack.

Glimmer takes the stage first. I want to throw up in my mouth when I see her walk on stage. She tries to look "sexy" but fails miserably. Marvel is next. He tries to act humerus when cracking a few jokes. Clove is next. She acts fierce and sarcastic. I am next. Caesar Flickerman welcomes me to the stage.

"So Cato, I heard you are very exited for the games to start. Tell us why!" He exclaims.

"Well, it's always be my dream to become a victor, and now my dream will become a reality." I say. The crowd cheers.

"Interesting. So, is there a special girl back at home?" Caesar asks

"Actually, she's not at home. She's here with me." I answer truthfully. The crowd goes crazy.

"She is a very special young lady. I think you deserve to be with her." Caesar says.

"Yeah. I just wish we could go home together, you know?" I say.

"Yes. I think we should do something about that. What does the capital think?" The crowd goes wild, and they don't stop. Caesar almost doesn't hear the 3 minute buzzer.

"Well, times up. Best of luck to you Cato Hadley!" He says. I walk off stage. I see Clove, and she runs into my arms. I pick her up and kiss her. When I put her down, all the tributes are looking at us.

"You know, I could kill you all tomorrow!" I say. The tributes all turn around. We watch the rest of the interviews. Maria acts mysterious, a girl from 5 is supposedly very smart, Thresh doesn't say anything but yes and no, Rue acts small and shy. Katniss just twirls around in her ugly fire dress. Then there is Peeta. He declares his love for Katniss, and everyone thinks he's copying us. Nice try lover boy, but we already took the star crossed lovers spot. No sponsors for you!

Sadly, it's me and Clove's last night alone. We make out for a long time, until we decide to try to sleep. After all, the games start tomorrow.

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