Chapter 11

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*Cato's POV*

Clove wakes up on my shoulder. She stretches out her arms and yawns.

"Good morning Clove." I say.

"Good morning Cato." She responds.

"Hungry?" I ask.

"A little." She answered. I pull out a few sweet dinner rolls from our bag, and hand a couple to her, as we eat, a cannon fires.

"Think it's Peeta?" She asks.

"Positive." I replied.

"So now all we have left to kill is the red head." Clove states.

"District 2 hear we come!" I yell. Clove giggled. Then we hear a twig snap. It's the red head. I see her with a knife. I smirk.

"Finally want to die huh?" I say while pulling out my sword.

"Not my intention." She replied. She swings the knife at me, and I dodge it. She swings again and cuts my arm. Clove narrows her eyebrows and chucks a knife into her arm. The girl falls backwards, and we pin her to the ground. I shove my sword through her heart. The girl's eyes roll to the back of her head, and she lets out one final breath. The cannon fires, signaling her death. I smile.

"We can go home now!" Clove cheers. She jumps into my arms, and I kiss her passionately. I expected the hovercraft to bring us home to come faster.

"Hey! What's going on?" I scream at the sky. The hovercraft picks up the girl from 5 and takes her dead body away.

"Attention tributes. Congratulations on making it to the end. There has been yet another rule change. The previous rule stating that there can be only one victor has been... revoked. There may only be one winner. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor." Claudius Temple's voice booms.

"Kill me." Clove demands. "You deserve to go home."

"Not without you." I say. "Remember what I said on the train? Either together or not at all." I say. I pull out strawberries, and a bottle of poison that survived the explosion. I pour the poison on to the strawberry. I hand one to Clove.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you." I reply.

"On three. One... two..." I begin to count before I am interrupted.

"Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen. May I present the victors of the 74th annual Hunger Games, Cato Hadley and Clove Sevina!" Claudius Temple's voice boomed.

"We won!" Clove cheers. I kiss her until the hovercraft picks us up. I can't believe we both won. I got both things I wanted. Clove and becoming a victor. But our story is not over yet. Not even close.

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