Chapter 10

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*Clove's P.O.V*

It's early in the morning. The feast would happen at dawn. Cato and I settle behind some bushes at the end of the forest.

"I'll get the bag." I say. Cato nods. We wait for what seems like an hour, and dawn begins to approach. When it finally reaches, the ground near the cornucopia opens up, and a table rises. On the table were 4 backpacks. One for each district. I almost take off running when something red catches my eye. The smart red head from 5. Leave it to her to come up with clever ideas. She runs off into the forest with her pack. Great.

"Go." Cato whispers. I don't hesitate to sprint towards the table. Then I see her. Katniss from district 12. I throw a knife at her that she deflects with her bow. Then she shoots at my heart with the bow. I dodged out of the way, but the arrow punctured into my left shoulder. I wince as I pull it out. Then I throw a knife that sliced above her forehead. Blood pours over her face. Next, I slam into her, knocking her down. I sit on top of her, not letting the girl get up.

"What's this? Medicine for lover boy?" That's what I call Peeta. I snatch the bag from her.

"You were trying to save him! Oh that's sweet. Too bad he'll never get it. We'll kill you just like we killed your little friend. What was her name again. Rue? Well, we killed her, and now, we're gonna kill you." I say. I raise a knife in the air to begin cutting her when I am violently lifted off of Katniss. Then I am pressed against the cornucopia. Only one tribute could be that strong. Thresh. I try to reach for a knife in my belt, but I'm pinned.

"You killed her? The little girl? You said her name!" He shouts at me.

"No.. no it wasn't me it was..." I stop when I see the rock the size of a small loaf of bread in his large, muscular hands. Then I loose it.

"CATO! CATO!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Clove!" I hear him reply. It's over. My life's over. By the volume of his voice, I can tell he won't be able to save me. He's too far away. Thresh begins to bring the rock down towards my head hard. Then he stops. A cannon fires. Thresh collapses to the ground with a thud, and behind him stood Cato.

"Cato!" I cry as I run up to him. He picks me up and we kiss, until I remember the girl on the ground next to us.

"Katniss!" I whispered. He puts me down, and Katniss runs off with her medicine. We catch her eventually, and pin her to the ground.

"So. Now that Thresh is taken care of, let the fun really begin." I say. I take out a small, curved knife and teasingly trace her face.

"I think I'd better destroy Peeta's medicine first." I say. I take out a syringe filled with clear liquid from the district 12 bag. I smash a rock into it, making the fluid spill and soak into the dirt. I smirk at her.

"I think we should get rid of your lips first. Wanna blow lover boy one last kiss?" I ask. Then I saw away at her lips, she screams in agony, hoping her end will come soon. But I intended on making her suffer. Once her lips are gone, I work on her ears, cutting them both off. Then I move on to her nose, slicing it straight off as well. Then I pluck out an eye. Katniss is barely hanging on.

"Aww, Katniss! You don't look so pretty anymore... oh wait you never did!" I shout. Cato and I burst into laughter.

"No more holding lover boy's hand anymore!" I say as I cut her hands off. Then a cannon fires. Katniss lost too much blood.

We walk back to the table with our backpack. We also take Thresh's backpack that laid on the ground. The hovercraft already took Thresh's body. Inside his backpack was this armor stuff. It was too big for me (obviously) but it could probably fit Cato. Then we grab our backpack. Inside was a sleeping bag, water purifier, and lots and lots of food. I tried a fruit called a strawberry. I had never had one before because they didn't sell them in district 2. It was so sweet, juicy, and overall delicious.

I lay down in our new sleeping bag with Cato by my side. I lean against his shoulder, and sleep.

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