Chapter 13

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*Cato's Pov*

I didn't know how much I missed Clove until I saw her. She looked beautiful as always, wearing a black dress with her hair curled. Clove ran into my arms, and for a moment, I forgot the crowd was there. I press my lips to hers, until Caesar Flickerman breaks us apart. We are pointed over to a small, plush couch. We would watch 3 hours worth of highlights of the games. Tonight, every eye in Panem will be on us. It is mandatory for everyone to watch.

When the highlights begin, it shows the bloodbath. I see myself killing other children brutally, being as ruthless as ever. Clove kills four whole people within the first 3 minutes. Impressive. I catch a glimpse of Glimmer shooting her bow in random directions, and killing one person by complete luck.

Next, it shows us killing the girl from 8. I guess Katniss was in a nearby tree and we literally walked right past her. Then it shows the fire. It gave Katniss a severe burn on her calf. Next I see Marvel pointing to her in the lake. We chase her, and she climbs the tree. I see myself fall while attempting to reach her. Next it shows the tracker jacker attack. Glimmer and Maria suffer horribly as the mutations sting them.

I glance at Clove, and she is slightly smiling. I put my arm around her and grin.

After that, I see our reactions to when our supplies blew up. I see Marvel killing the girl from 11, and Katniss shooting him with a bow. Not just any bow, Glimmer's bow. That must have been how she got her eleven.

After that, the screen shows when there was the announcement that two tributes could win if they originated from the same district. I also see the feast. I remember thinking it was impossible to save Clove, when a burst of energy shot through my veins, and I sprinted as fast as I ever had in my life. It shows me stabbing my sword through Thresh. Next, Clove and I finish off Katniss. It was brutal, and I noticed a lot of the audience members were covering their eyes. Wimps. Anyway, after that, it shows Peeta taking his last breath, and then us killing the girl from district 5.

Next I see our reactions to the announcement that only one victor could be crowned. I see myself pulling out the strawberries, but the rest was cut off. I guess they don't want to give future tributes any ideas. Then I see myself getting announced as the victor.

Caesar Flickerman thanks everyone for tuning in, then the show ends. The audience begins to leave. Caesar walks up to us.

"Congratulations on your win! I'll see you two tomorrow for your interviews where you will each be crowned victor!" He says.

"See you tomorrow." I replied.

I am excused back to the room we stayed at before the games.

"Tomorrow you will have your interviews, and then we will head back to district 2." Says Brutus. I will live in a victors village mansion, with Clove being my neighbor.

When Clove left to go take a shower, I walked up to Brutus and Enobaria.

"I know we're both young, but I want to propose to her." I say. Enobaria smiles.

"We can arrange that." She says.

"When?" I ask.

"Well, we can find a place to pick out a ring tonight, and you could propose when we get back to district 2." Enobaria says.

"Sounds great." I say.

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