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Ashton floated on the water as she laid in the pool, her hands occasionally moving by her sides to keep herself afloat. She kept her eyes closed to keep them from the sun's glare, but continued to enjoy its warmth on her skin. It was quiet at the Cody household for once, Smurf had disappeared off to somewhere she didn't know; she could hardly hear the woman when she stood on the side of the pool and spoke to her. 

She didn't disrespect Smurf, she loved the woman for everything she had done for her. She had protected her when no one else would, and given her a family in her own with four loving, and yet protective, brothers. Her hair was stretched up and around her head, floating aimlessly in the water. The girl missed the laughter and mutters from outside the pool, the water clogging her ears. 

A scream left her mouth as the three brothers - Barry, Craig and Deran - landed in the water around her, the noise sucking in her ears. She shot up right with a start, the boys laughter instantly hitting her ears as they doubled over with it in the water. She wiped the water out of her face, sending a splash toward all three of them as they moved together. 

'You guys suck,' She exclaimed.

They only continued to laugh, Craig earning a splash to the face as she swan away. Though, he only dragged her back by her ankle and pulled her into a hug.

'Craig, you got three seconds before I knee you in the balls,' She stated.

'Fine, alright,' He let her go.

She chuckled, leaning forward to peck her brother's cheek before she swam away. She laid on her back and floated on the water once more, her eyes falling shut as she enjoyed the sun. 

'What're you guys doing here anyway?' She asked. 

'Smurf didn't tell you?' Deran queried. 

'She probably did, but I wasn't listening,' She floating to stand again; 'Why? Should I have listened?'

'Yeh,' Craig stated sarcastically.

Baz sighed, 'Juila OD'd this morning. Smurf went to get her son.'

'Oh, shit,' Her face dropped; 'I'm so sorry, guys.'

'Don't worry about it,' Deran waved her off; 'Not like she was around much.'

'She was still your sister.'

'I think it's Pope we gotta worry about,' Craig pushed himself up onto the side of the pool; 'You want a drink?'

'Yeh, surprise me.'

The girl laid on the back once more, Deran slowly spinning her around in a circle. She didn't know Juila, she'd never met her. But what little she knew came mainly from Smurf's digs at the woman or Pope when he rarely brought her up before he was put in jail. So, to her, it wasn't much of a loss. But she couldn't help but understand how Juila's son could feel, she knew very well. 

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