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"Today is a new program that we will be starting at the school. If you dont remember last week we are going to start a program called study buddys. We will walk head to the auditorium give them your name and they'll hand you a slip with a teachers name, their room number, and your study buddys name." The class got up and started marching towards the auditorium. I didnt understand the study buddy system. I was smart but this didnt make sense. Im kind hopeing that this is a joke. Im anti-social, so this wont work. I just know it. I'll probably end up getting partnered up with one of those 'I dont give a fuck kids' I dont need one of those in my life.

We arrived in the auditorium. I pulled out my headphones and waited in the line that I was directed to.

"Hey there Kathy." Nope. Not gonna look. Not even gonna acknoledge that life form. "Come on Kathy. At least say Hi." If your woundering who this life form is. Its Jack. #1 ASSHOLE. He produly gave himself the nickname. His always picking on me so I learned that if you ignore the life form it slowly goes away. He kept bugging me until I got to the front.

"Name please." A lady with red framed plastic classes and matching hair asked.

"Kathy Kinchester."

":Ah here you go." I grabbed the paper and headed towards the designated class. I guess this would be my home room from what Mr.Neckly told us last week.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I read my study buddy. Mike Lanulie. FUCK! This sadly was one of Jacks friends. He was the one who started the tourment. Mike rarely picked on me but when he did it made you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. He would just say a couple of words and your world crumbled down to your feet. I finally moved my feet and went the rest of the way to class.

I entered the class and he was just there waiting in the door way. "Hello Kathy." The way he said my name made me uneasy. He always made me regret life.

"Hey Mike." I didnt even try to make my voice sound loud and strong. I let it be quiet and weak.

"Class please find a seat with your study buddy and I will tell you all about the study buddy program." I looked at Mike who just shrugged and walked to the back of the class. He pulled out my seat and sat down to the seat next to it. I guess im sitting here. I sat down and looked up at the teacher. She explained how we were to got to eachothers houses and study. It would be starting today actually. Oh great I dont even get a day off. Oh and I have classes with him.....all of them. Oh fun. Also after school were studying for 4-5 hours and on the weekeds 3-4 hours. Oh great im filled with the joy of being next to him all day. Do you see the frown on my face.

It was the class just before lunch. 1....2....FREEDOM!!!! The bellrang I was almost out the door when Mike grabbed my arm.

"Where you going?"

"To lunch."

"Oh can I come?"

"Unless you want your arm bit off then let.the.fuck.go." He let go immediatly. The thing was is that when im hungry you dont want to seperate me from food. I will kill you. No lie. Mike learned this when one of his friend tried to  stop me in the hallways and I pushed his friend into him, into a trash can. I have no regrets. Oh wait did you hear what he asked me. "Why?"

"Why what?" I rolled my eyes is he brainless.....maybe.

"Why do you want to go to lunch with me." "Well were study buddys and all-" I cut him off.

"No. I just want to hang out with my friends and you have yours.

"Fine then. If such a low life like you dosent want to eat luch with such a high lifed person then go ahead and be rubbish on the school floors. Your not ever gonna be needed anyway." It wasnt the greatest of insults but I didnt like to be called those things. Rubbish, low life. And Im not needed. I turned around and headed to lunch.

It was the last class of the day. I was sitting next to him. We never spoke after what he said to me. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was from him. "Yes." I looked at him narrowing my eyes.

"Umm you should tell your parents your going over to my house."

"We didnt decide this. We could just go to the library."

"Well listen. You are a low life. I give you the order and you follow them. Now call your parents." Im not gonna do what he says.

"Ill text them."

"What ever." He turned away. I pulled out my phone.

To MUM!!!: Hey you know that study buddy program? 

From MUM!!!: Yeah, you gonna go to there house?

To MUM!!!: Yes. Ill be there for about 4-5 hours. Ill call you.

From MUM!!!:Ok. just text me the adress when you get there.

I put my phone away and laid my head on the desk. A while later I opened my eyes and I was above the ground. Someone was carrying me and from what those annying white shoes tell me it was Mike.

"PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN YOU FUCKING WHORE!!!!! I SWARE WHEM MY FEET TOUCH THE GROUND IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!" I was pounding my hands on his back. No affect. I started thrashing around. He started laughing.

"You know that if I lose my grip your gonna fall." He had a point. He stopped. He put me down. Thank you. Why did it get cold?

"Ok now we wait."

"For what?"

"My mother of course."

"Oh." We waited for about 10 minutes in silence when his mom pulled up.

"Hey mi-mi whos your friend?" I tried to supress a laugh but a grin came onto my face at the nickname.

"Mom I told you stop calling me that and this is my study buddy shes comeing over."

"Alright just get in the car." He sat in the front and I in the back. The rest of the car ride was silent. 

////Sorry its short but thats all for now. And to my imaginary readers I will have another post by tonight. Maybe.////

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