Chapter One

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Once again, all credit of this AU goes to VioletArks <3

I wring my hands nervously, staring at the screen in front of me. The only thing scrawled across the page is 'Dear Y/n Murphy.' I groan as I bounce my knee. I grab my Ativan and pop one into my mouth.

I drink half of the bottle of water on my desk, attempting to calm my nerves. The medicine doesn't work quick enough, I'm still chewing on my lip and staring at the blank screen.

I sigh and let a shaky hand hover over the keyboard. I breathe out and type, not even thinking as I do.

Dear Y/n Murphy,

Today is going to be an amazing day, and here's why.

Because today all you have to do is just be yourself. But also confident. That's important. And interesting. Easy to talk to. Approachable. And don't hide, either. Reveal yourself to others. Not in a pervy way, don't disrobe. Just be you—the true you. Be yourself. Be true to yourself.

Sincerely, Me

I stare at the screen, my face scrunched up. My mom walks in, knocking on the door as she does so. "Hey, Y/n... so...I was wondering if you'd wanna—" She stops short, looking at my arm, which is encased in a cast.

"I know what you should do." She smiles widely. "You should go around today and ask the other kids to sign your cast, huh? How's that sound?"

She gives me such a happy look, that I feel guilty about even thinking 'no.' So instead, I say. "Sure."

My tone is flatter than I'd like to take credit for, but she smiles anyways. "Great. Perfect, actually. Seize the day, right? Go on out and seize the moment."

"Yeah." I nod, looking down briefly.

"Okay, well, I'll leave you to your thoughts... I was gonna suggest having dinner tonight, together. All of us, as a family." She smiles once more.

"Uh, yeah! Sounds good!" I smile awkwardly.

She grins. "Great, how about we have—" Her phone rings in her pocket and she looks at it. "Shit. Sorry Hon, but I gotta take this." And with that, she hurries out of my room.

Connor takes her place, knocking on the doorframe as he leans against it. "How are you feeling?" he asks, taking note of my frown.

"Just...fine." I smile. "I'm feeling great, actually..."

He gives me a look, making me chew my lip again. "I'm just frustrated—I have to write this dumb letter to myself, and I don't even want to see Dr. Sherman. I can't even speak to anyone else, much less Evan—and I—" I sigh, tugging on my blue striped shirt.

"Tell you what... Even if mom can't, I think we should eat together. It's okay if you don't want to, but think about it, huh?" He walks over to me.

I look up at him, mustering a smile. "Hey..." He kneels down so we're face to face. "Why don't you eat lunch with me today?"

It's not a question, nor an order, more of a statement. "I... Won't your friends make fun of you for being the brother of me?" I ask.

Dear Y/n Murphy: Evan H. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now