Chapter Six

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I jolt awake, my alarm blaring like the world depends on it. I turn off the alarm, groaning into my pillow. My mom appears in the doorway, a reluctant, maybe forced, smile on her face.

I return the awkward smile, not knowing what to do. I shuffle out of bed when she remains quiet. "Good morning.." I mumble, not knowing what else to say.

She speaks after only a moment. "Good morning."

I don't understand why she's acting so distant. "So... Evan's a very nice boy.."

"Yeah.. He is..." I say, eyeing my mom.

"He said his parents are distant.." She looks off to the side. "That his dad never really talks to him, and his mom wants a daughter instead..."

I feel a twinge of suspicion. "Ok..."

"Both Connor and I like Evan, he's.." She trails off, looking to the side.

"He's so.. normal... Like Connor.. he reminds me of Zoe when she was with us.."

Is she hinting that I'm not normal?? What's she trying to say? "So...?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"So... I think he should hang out more.. you know, because you guys are dating?" She says.

"We're not dating." I say quickly. We only kissed. And she doesn't even know that.

"Oh." She says. "That's even better."

"What? Why?"

"He's very nice." She repeats.

"What are you trying to say?" I ask, my tone growing cold.

"He.. he's like a son to me... he's so.. he's normal.." She says with a small smile. "He acts like we're his parents. It's like he wants us to take him under our wing.."

"Why? You barely know him. And we can't just take him away from his parents." I say, my eyebrows knitting together.

"If they're never around, then it's fine." She says.

"That's kidnapping!" I counter.

"Not if he's fine with it!" My mom says, taking a step towards me.

"Are you trying to..." I look at her sharply. "Are you trying to replace me or something??"

"What? No!! No, he's just—"

"Normal, not like me, right? I know, I'm a handful, I know, trust me! I know I'm such a burden, you—" I stand up, yanking my backpack on.

"You wish I was never born! You do, don't you??" I accuse, tears pricking my eyes.

"Y/n, no! I just— he's a good boy—" I'm already out the door, my mom behind me. "You know what? Go ahead and leave!! I bet the Hansens would love to have you over! I know, I'm always busy, and I'm always away!!"

"I'm going to school now!" I shout, storming away. Connor catches up with me, his eyes wide.

"What just happened?" He asks.

"What, did you come here to tell me that my crush is better than me as well?" I ask.

"What? No, what did mom say?" He asks.

"That Evan is a great kid, that she wants to take him "under his wing.."' I put quotation marks in the air.

"Well, Yeah, you two are so cute and mom wants—"

"Someone new? Someone normal? Anybody but me?" I ask, kicking a small rock to the side.

"Some new life around the house, I was gonna say. She misses Zoe a lot." Connor says softly.

Dear Y/n Murphy: Evan H. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now