Chapter Eight

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"Grapefruits." Jared says as he sits beside me. "Your balls are the size of grapefruits."

I'm too worried to point out the fact that I'm a girl. "It's not that bad, right?"

"Alana's parents think you were besties."

"We were friends."

"She screamed at you after she admitted that she was suicidal. If her parents find out that you were at fault for her death, they would never forgive you." Jared points out.

"But it's not my fault!" I squeak.

"You could go to jail for this!" Jared says dramatically.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" I yelp.

"Just don't go to the funeral. Then you never have to deal with the Hansens again." Jared says.

"I'm with their son." I say.

"You're actually dating him?" Jared snorts. "I take back the grapefruits, they're fucking water melons!! How do you carry those things around??"

I glower at him, rolling my eyes. "Do you ever take anything seriously?"

"Do you ever take anything lightly?" He snickers.

Touché.. "You're missing the point! I'm in big trouble if I don't figure this out!!" I say.

"I already told you what to do. Just don't go. You can have your own secret nerd thing with Evan." Jared says nonchalantly.

"I can't just not go! It would break their hearts!" I say.

"They don't even know you." Jared counters.

"But they're relying on me to give them information about their daughter!"

"Their dead daughter, who you don't even know anything about! What, are you gonna tell them how you two got high when you skipped class?? Oh! Or how about when she shoved you on the first day of school?" Jared raises his eyebrow.

"I still need to try. For them. You weren't there. They sounded heart broken, Jared.. If I'm the only one that can make them happy, then so be it!" I retort.

He sighs. "If you lie, it's only gonna go downhill from here."

"I never said I'll lie."

"You said you're going to provide information about their daughter. Someone you barely knew for five days." He says.

"I... I'll figure it out."

"Well, good luck. You're gonna need it desperately." He says, standing up.

"Oh, and tell your mom to tell my mom, that I was nice to you so she can pay for my car insurance." Jared says.

"Sure, Jared, sure." I sigh.

He walks away with a wink. "See you at school."

As he walks out the door, he adds. "If you're not already in jail."

I look in the mirror and lower my hands after realizing that I was biting my nails. I sigh and sit on my bed. I take another Ativan and hop off my bed. I look at the card they gave me.


I walk to the building where the funeral is going to be held, the card tightly locked in my fist. I enter the place, finding Cynthia with two other women. "Y/n! Oh, I'm so glad you made it." She lights up. "This was Alana's friend!"

Was. The two women look at me as I smile awkwardly. "H-hi.. I'm just here to pay respects... funerals aren't r-really my thing."

"Are they anybody's?" Heidi laughs.

Dear Y/n Murphy: Evan H. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now