Chapter Four

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"Well..." I pause, looking down.

"I got in a fight with my mom and brother that day.. it was actually about.. my, uh, dad." I say.

He watches in silence, his expression soft.


"Give it back!" I say irritatedly, jumping up in attempt to reach my locket.

"Nope." Connor smirks, holding my necklace out of my reach.

"Please!! It's mine!!"

"This is what you get for envading my personal space!!" He says, putting my necklace on top of a high shelf.

"But Dad gave it to me—"

"Quit bickering." My mom says, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Please."

I cross my arms, pouting. "Why don't we ever see Dad anyways?" I ask.

Mom tenses up as I speak. "We've been over this, Y/n. He has a new family." My mom says, fatigue setting bags under her eyes.

"But what about me? I'm his daughter." I counter.

"And I'm his son. He doesn't give a damn Y/n." Connor says.

"Language." My mom warns. "He just—"

"Doesn't want anything to do with mom." Connor interrupts, glaring at the ground.

"Connor!" My mom says.

"It's the truth. He hates us, Y/n, because we remind him of "past mistakes."' Connor mutters.

"What? But I didn't do anything to him." I say.

"It doesn't matter, Love." My mom sighs, rubbing her eyes. "It's complicated.."

"I want to go to Colorado." I say before adding the quick lie. "For the trees."

"And to see the asshole we call a dad? Think about it, Y/n. We haven't talked to him in ages. He probably doesn't even know we exist. I bet he forced himself to forget about his life here." Connor says, a sudden coldness to his voice.

Mom glares at Connor as I pull at my shirt's hem, looking down. "But he should miss me like I miss him.. I don't under—"

"There's nothing to understand!!" My brother snaps. "He fucking hates us, Y/n! There's nothing we can do!!"

"Connor!" My mom shouts, standing up.

"Why did you even ask?! You knew the answer! You knew how this conversation would result!!" Connor yells at me.

I shrink backwards, digging my nails into my palms in attempt to prevent myself from crying. "He doesn't care! He won't ever care!! You, Me, Mom— We're all nobodies to him!! We don't matter!!" His voice has a sharp edge to it.

I can't help the stray tear that slips down my cheek as I stare at my shoes.

"We always used to go to Ellison Park. How come we don't anymore?" My voice is quiet as I speak.

Dear Y/n Murphy: Evan H. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now