Chapter Three

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I meet Connor at the front of the school once the bell rings. "Alana Beck spoke to me." I say.

"Alana Beck fucking what—"

"No! It's ok, she, uh, I think we're friends.." I say.

"You're friends with Alana?" He asks.

"Yeah, she's pretty nice, once you uh, get to know her.." I say.

"I don't think..." He pauses. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"I know she's.. misunderstood... but she's still human.." I say.

Seeing the look he gives me, I add. "We have that in common. Being misunderstood, that is."

His gaze softens a bit. "I just think that you're playing with fire.." He says.

"We all play with fire at least once in our lives." I shrug. "It's up to us whether or not to get burned."

He nods, looking down. His eyes catch my cast, staring at the territorial letters of Alana's name. "She signed your cast." He points out.

"Yeah.. she actually told me that we could pretend we both had friends.. and then she.. Ironically.. became my friend." I say with a small smile.

"You should wear long sleeves more often." He says.

"It's still technically summer. Though I do like long sleeves.. and won't it be uncomfortable?" I ask.

"People will see her name and they'll assume the worst." He says.

"I know, but we are friends, and it's not like I can get rid of it, it's sharpie." I say.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." He says, looking into my eyes.

"I'll be ok." I say. "And I have Evan's number, it's not like—"

"Evan's normal." Connor says blankly.

"Connor!" I squeak, giving my brother a look.

"I'm sorry, just be careful with Alana. Who knows what—"

Connor's interrupted as I'm bumped hard, forcing me to collide with him. I look at the guy who pushed me, a taller teen, with a backwards hat. How stereotypical. Connor opens his mouth to speak, taking a step forwards.

"Wait, Connor—"

"Hey!" Alana's voice cuts through the air like a blade. All three of us freeze, looking at Alana as she walks over. "You better apologize."

She's in front of the guy with a few strides. "Why?" The guy asks, giving her a dirty look.

"She's my friend. You better fucking apologize." Alana says, glaring coldly at the teen.

"You all are just freaks." He says, walking away quickly. "Fucking freaks."

I watch with a pale face as he hurries away. "You ok?" She asks us.

"Uh." I am at a loss for words.

"You're Y/n's brother?" She looks at Connor.

"Yeah, my name's Connor." He says, relaxing a bit. "You must be Alana."

"Yeah. Your sister talk about me?" She asks, glancing at me.

Dear Y/n Murphy: Evan H. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now