1. Not Nervous

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Authors Note:

Just so you all know i wrote this when i was 14. I was reading back on it and realised how bad it was compared to my recent work. I won't delete it because it took me forever to write but keep in mind this is NOT my best work. Thanks. Enjoy.  Xx

I looked over to my left and saw my best friend Jainelle. I really didn't want to do this. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry." I said. I then stabbed her in the back.

I know that is really depressing so I might start from the beginning for it to make sense.


I was sitting in my room quietly doing my homework when my favourite song came on. "Pink Fields" by Neon Hitch. I normally hated pop songs but Neon Hitch was amazing she wrote songs about real stuff that mattered not like all the other poppy shit. Other favourite artists of mine are Marina and the diamonds, Sia, Fall Out Boy, Cassie Steele and The 1975. I danced around to the music and sang loudly. I was getting really hungry so I walked to the kitchen and looked through the fridge. Crap! We have no chocolate!! I saw Mum was sitting by the TV and she was shaking her head.

"Everything ok?" I asked her

"What? Oh yea I'm just really pissed off at the stupid "Hunt" show." Mum replied.

"Why is it on soon?" I asked

"Soon?!?" Mum said quite shocked "The reaping is tomorrow!"

I rolled my eyes in disgust. I'm surprised that show is even legal. "The Hunt" is a sick and twisted reality TV show. Everyone on earth that is over the age of 12 is put in the draw to be a contestant and one person is picked to go into the arena every year. That persons friends and family that has a similar age to you is also put in the arena and you have to fight them to the death! I really felt sorry for the people chosen. I know the reaping is tomorrow and I am not nervous at all.

The next day I walked down to the kitchen and had a glass of water. I didn't want breakfast cuz I never feel hungry when the reaping is on. My brother Dylan walked downstairs and

into the kitchen. "You nervous?" he asked me.

"Nup. I mean their are millions of people on this earth and only 1 will be chosen. Besides it will probably be someone from a bigger country other than Australia. Something like America or England." I replied.

"I know but you still have a chance. I mean one of you're friends could get in. I'm probably more anxious then nervous." Dylan said. I knew he had a point which made me anxious. Mum came into the kitchen.

"Ok boys. you ready?" she asked "we need to leave now if we want to make it in time" she said. You see it was tradition to walk to the reaping, and if you didn't you were frowned upon. Mum got her bag, dad met us outside and we left.

The walk wasn't too long but it was so annoying. I would much rather take the car I mean why walk when you can drive? it's quicker, easier and just modern. when we got there we stood by the stage where the contestant was chosen. we all had to stand there in the perfect line and be quiet. otherwise you're name will go in the draw three more times. I was silent and just waited patiently. Then the mayor came onstage to introduce this years annual Hunt. Like I said I wasn't nervous one bit.

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