8. Training.

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We were all silent in the back of the Limo. We were on our way to the US Army Base HQ for some training to survive in the hunt. I was so nervous too because I'm not real sporty or fit. Don't get me wrong I'm not fat because my metabolism is so fast but I'm am not fit. Today they will be cameras to film us training which will go in the promo. Everyone was really quiet in the Limo so I decided to break the ice. "Ugh does anyone else have a throbbing headache, or a stomach that feels like it's going hang gliding?" I asked hoping no one would see through my lies. I felt so bad for lying and I know I am a horrible friend but I just couldn't drink that alcohol I just couldn't! "My head feels like it could explode!!" Taetum replied. I nodded as if I understood what she meant. "Mine too." Tanisha replied. "And me" felicity agreed. Soon everybody started stating all of the sicknesses that they had felt. I felt so guilty words couldn't explain it. We soon arrived at the Army HQ and we all hopped out the car one by one. The building was huge! I thought that it would be really strong as well. We all walked into the building in a single file line starting with me. The inside of the building was old but nicely decorated. We followed Anya down the halls and into a huge gymnasium with loads of different training equipment. "Hello everybody, I am lieutenant Sean Cameron. Today I will help you all get fit and into shape for this years Hunt. If you want to survive then you need to be quick on your feet and you'll want to think fast. Not only will we have sporting activities for you to complete but also some training with different weapons, knot tying, rope climbing and gun control. First of all I am going to tell you the rules of today. There are 14 different stations with many different activities. Only 1 person at a time can be at a station, you must be doing something not standing around or day dreaming. You must go to all stations and you aren't allowed to talk to one another. Is that understood?" Sean said sounding strict. "Tom is the tribute so he can pick which station he wants to do first." Sean said. I slowly made my way to the disguises section. "Ohh disguises an camouflage hey?" Sean said. "So what you have to do here is to camouflage your body as an object that is given to you." Luke said. With those words one girl in Camo army clothes walked up to me and handed me a silver platter. Which I assumed had the object in it. I pulled the lid off and saw a small Petri dish of dirt. Great that won't be hard at all. I thought sarcastically.


I had nearly finished my camouflage on my arm. I was just finishing the fine touches. There was paints all different colours and textures and paint brushes in all different sizes. My arm didn't look amazing but it had a small resemblance of dirt.

"Good Job Tom" Sean said. I smiled at him in a nervous way. I didn't know why but Sean really made me nervous. He wasn't intimidating, or scary, or a giant. I just got a weird vibe whenever he came near me.

"Ok Tom you can pack up and then I will choose your next station" Sean said. I cleaned up the station: brushes, paints, equipment, pallets, water pots and my arm.

"Dylan stand at station 12." Sean shouted across the room. "Tom go over and join him when your done." He yelled at me. I finished up with what I was doing and made my way over to station 12. I really wished he hadn't made me do this. I really didn't. It was a boxing ring. Pretty self explanatory if you ask me.

"Ok so you two need to fight each other. It's Simple but effective training." Sean said.

"But I don't want to fight him I don't want to hurt him." I said.

"I said fight! Now fight!" Sean said in a really annoyed tone.

"C'mon we're not gonna leave unless you start fighting each other." Anya the life Ruiner said.

"Punch me" I whispered quietly to Dylan. He shook his head.

"Just do it!" I whispered a little louder this time. He did as I said and went to punch me in the gut. I caught his punch. Phew I thought. I went to kick him but he caught my leg. he leaned in to punch me again. I ducked and it missed me. I threw a punch and he was too slow. BAM! It got him right in the gut.

"Crap!" He said.

"Oh Are you alright in so sorry." I whispered.

"Yep. Just push me to the ground and pin me so we can get this over and done with." He whispered. I did as he said and pushed him over and pinned him.

"1,2,3" Sean shouted "Ok you guys are finally done"


We had eventually gotten through everyone and left. Today was tiring and I am still really sore. Tomorrow we are going into the arena and I am nervous. Everyone was silent on the car trip back. I wanted to break the ice but I didn't know what to say. I started shaking. God this whole experience was pushing my anxiety levels BIG time.

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