14. Goodbye Flick

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I leant down and brushed some hair out of her face. "Oh Flick, this is all my fault. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve this you should have lived longer." I said. I looked around for the attacker. It was gone. The attacker leaves once a person is dead. I got up and walked back into the shed to break the news to the others. I walked inside and noticed Taetum had regained conscience.

"Um, I --- I - I hate to tell you this but.. Felicity is dead." I cried. "I'm sorry"

"What?!? That-- That can't be?!" Courtney said. No one else spoke everyone was all silent. I looked down at my feet. I couldn't take this anymore. I ran back outside and started screaming. I opened my mouth "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed.

I wanted to run. I wanted to feel free. No. I need to feel free. I have felt trapped ever since the reaping. I started to move my legs I started to walk which then turned into a run. I don't know why I started to run I hate sport and did as little as possible in PE class at school. I guess I just want to feel an emotion other than feeling numb. Ever since Jainelle's death I've felt numb. I started to run faster. The wind whipped through my hair and messed it up. I was going to just leave it and then I remembered that I was on TV. I stopped and pushed my hair back into place. Little touch here, Little touch there. Perfect. I continued to run but faster this time, making up for the lost time I spent fixing up my hair. I started to run faster and faster making up for lost time. I was running a lot faster then I have ever done before. Including athletics day and the stupid school (not so fun) Fun Run. I was starting to feel tired and worn out. Although that didn't stop me. I continued to run faster and faster I had to feel something, anything other than this numbness. I continued to run I ran further than anywhere I had gone before. I hadn't even been this far in the arena yet but I didn't stop to look around because there was nothing really here except from a couple of barrels. I ran even faster I don't know why because at this stage I felt pretty damn puffed but I continued to run nevertheless. I couldn't stop panting, Jesus I sounded like a bloody dog. My throat felt so sore like a thousand knives were scraping down my ousothoguss which hurt like hell. I was shaking now but I continued to run. I don't know why but it felt like a habit I guess. I continued to run faster and faster and faster. I was starting to feel sick. I was gagging although I couldn't stop running. I was shaking so hard by now. I started to gag again, this time I felt acid up my throat. Oh crap! I think I'm gonna be sick. I had to stop. I stopped leaned over and threw up. Ew. It tasted gross but I continued to run. I was running a lot and really fast but I felt weird now. Something different. My vision started going blurry. I started to blink and couldn't control it. I blinked more and more and couldn't stop. My vision was super blurry by now and I started to run to the side. not only was my vision blurry I began seeing white. Everything became a shiny white. It felt so weird and I thought I was going to die. What's wrong with me?!? BANG!!!! Everything went black.


My eyes slowly started to creep open. I groaned. It was night time. The sky was dark, I could see the clouds slowly moving and the stars shining brightly. It was a full moon tonight and it shone so bright. I couldn't help but smile. I was tired and really couldn't be bothered trying to get up. I laid there and closed my eyes. I could hear an owl hooting and although I was involved in this horrific show I thought this moment right here was lovely. The breeze was cool but not cold. The owl hooted but not loudly. The stars shone brightly and for the first time in the arena I felt at peace. I once again closed my eyes and started to fall asleep again.


I awoke with the sound of birds chirping. My eyes slowly started to lift open. It was early morning probably between 6:30 and 7:30. It was still quite dark although it was cloudy so that was probably the reasoning for it. I started to slowly sit up. I shouldn't of ran that fast and that much yesterday but I did and need to move on. I slowly stood up. I looked around and had no idea of where I was. How would I get back to my friends and the food. I hadn't really eaten much and I was really hungry. I probably should've told my friends that I was going out for a very long run. They were probably worried that I was dead. I had to get back to the shed an see all my friends but which way was the way back? How will I get back? Great I'm lost. Stuff this stupid crap hole!!! I wanted to scream but I can't because this house of cards that I have finally created for myself will come crashing down. I looked around and crammed my eyes so tightly to try and see anything other than desert. I turned around and looked at the sandy ground. I could faintly see footsteps that had a certain pattern on them. I took my shoe off and flipped it over. The pattern matched. It was my shoe print. I started to follow the shoe prints I kinda felt like Hansel And Gretel who followed the breadcrumbs. I laughed at how childish that sounded I was 16 and thinking about silly little fairy tale. I thought back to when I was younger and I thought of all the fairy tales I read. I must admit though even back then my favourite fairy tale was actually quite dark. It was called The Little Matchbox Girl. It was about a poor family on Christmas Eve and they get so hungry and cold they send their daughter out on the streets to sell match sticks. She stands out on the freezing streets of London alone, scared and cold. No one buys any matches because who would want to buy something most people already have? Anyway she stands there for an entire day freezing her little butt off. She gets so cold she decided to light 1 of the 5 matches she has. She loves the nice warmth of the match but it starts to snow and the match gets burned out. She lights another and accidentally drops it in a puddle. She eventually lights all of the matches and then right before the 5th match burns out she dies of hunger and frost bite. It was the first story I had ever cried in and I felt so sorry for the poor little girl. I don't know why I liked that story so much but I guess i liked the fact that it wasn't all airy fairy and it was realistic and portrayed real stuff.

I continued to follow the foot prints when all of a sudden they just stopped. Great. I looked around to see where I was and noticed I was at the 3 lonesome barrels I passed yesterday. They were the only things here which was pretty silly because try were just barrels which were really useless unless you hide behind them. I walked over to them and looked at them really hard. A lid. It looked like it had a lid on top. I looked closer and thought I could be right. If it was a lid then there would be something in in it. I placed my fingers around the rim. I tried twisting it open but it was rusty very rusty. I didn't know how to open it apart from just trying harder. I remembered seeing something on a documentary once if you had went hands it would be easy to open something that was rusted shut. I didn't want to do this but it was my only option. I spat on my fingers and rubbed it in, grabbed the edges if the lid and twisted. It creaked and moved the slightest, I tried again but this time a little harder. "Ughhhhhhh" I groaned as I pulled. It popped off. I smiled as I threw the lid on the ground. I looked inside and smiled at what I saw. It was a brown backpack. I pulled it out and opened it up. It had a small torch, chocolate bars, a bottle of water, a map of the arena, wire cutters and some sunscreen. I pulled out the chocolate and ate 3 bars. I looked at the map and could finally see the whole arena. I knew which way I needed to go to get back so I put the backpack around my shoulders and made my way back to the shed.


I walked through the shed door and sighed in relief!

"OMG Toooooooom!!!!!" Courtney cried out. "we were worried sick about you. We all thought you were dead!" She ran over to me and gave me a big hug. "sorry I kinda went for a two day run. Then I got lost." I replied. Everyone else walked in.

"We are gonna have a burial for Fifi, you wanna come?" Tamika asked.

I nodded and walked outside with everyone else. It wasn't as extreme as Jainelle's funeral it was more like a small memorial. I said a few words along with courtney. Taetum was going too but she couldn't deal with the pain so she walked back off into the shed. After the speeches we buried Felicity right next to Jainelle's body. I looked over to the shed to see if Taetum was ok. I looked in the window and saw a hand slide across the glass. I lolled closer at the hand and realised it was covered in blood. I then heard a scream.


AN: Hey guys what did you think of this chapter? Sorry I didn't update sooner hope to hear from you and I hope you Vote, Follow and fan! Until next time: TomRichardson101

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