12. Not So Lucky

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Weeks had passed since Jainelle's death. We did nothing. I mean absolutely NOTHING! The government would be so annoyed at us for no drama, murders or even fights. They would've been happy with all the drama that

came with Jainelle's death but since then we just sat around and looked for food. I knew the government would now create challenges for us to avoid or kill sooner or later but it just wasn't happening. Quite frankly I was bored and so was everyone else. I wanted to get out if here but there was only one way that would happen: By killing everyone else. That just isn't gonna happen. I've had few conversations with my friends since Jainelle's death but we had planned that. We want to make this years Hunt so boring that they will just let us go. Although I didn't see that happening. I was sitting in front of the shed, drawing pictures in the dirt with a stick.

I wanted to go home. Listen to music, watch Degrassi, eat cheese, chips and gravy with my friends and most of all I wanted a normal life. I didn't want this. I feel insecure and trapped with no way of getting out of this mess. I had no idea of what was going on back home which is the worst part. I want to know how mum and dad are doing. I want to see them, give them a hug. I know they could be embarrassing at times but they're my parents and I love them.

The sand was hot and crunchy. I was drawing a picture of the Degrassi logo, although it was failing miserably. My legs were sore from sitting down for about an hour and a half and were in deep need of a stretch. I got up and stomped on my failed attempt of the degrassi logo. It was that bad it was embarrassing. I cracked my back and went for a walk around the arena. I had walked around the whole thing a couple of days ago and had found another shed, although it was locked. I found it weird how it was locked because it is pretty pointless and a waist of space with no access of getting inside. I had found one shed with weapons inside and one with god knows what inside. I hope it is food because hunting for your own (in a desert) is really hard. I wanted real food so bad!!!! My stomach was virtually empty after eating nothing but pig face (an Australian bush tucker.) I had reached the second shed and stared at the padlock really hard. I blocked out all other sights and could now only see the gold piece of chunky metal. I placed my hand on it, wriggling and fiddling with it. Trying ever so hard to break it. It was no use. I stared at it again and then a thought slipped into my mind. I ran back to the first shed I found and looked at the table of weapons. I picked up a sword (yes a sword) and ran back to the padlocked shed.

I placed the blade of the metal against the silver bar. I moved it back and forth, back and forth. I needed a saw but this was the closest thing I had. It had made a mark. Back and forth, back and forth. Over and over again. It was tiring and very time consuming. I had cut about three quarters of the way through when I thought that my arms were about to drop off! They were so tired and sore and were in need of a rest, but I didn't have time to rest. I needed to get inside this shed. Food and water was something we all desperately craved and to find it in this shed would be a miracle, but highly unlikely.

1 hour later.

I had done it!!! The padlock had broke off! I threw the padlock onto the ground. I placed my hand onto the handle and pulled the door open. It was heavy and made a really loud noise. CREEK!!! It was the screechiest noise I had ever heard. The door opened and I walked in. I couldn't believe what I saw! Was it a mirage? It had to be, there was no way that this could be real! It was what I had hoped for. Food and bottled water. There were boxes of Muesli Bars and twinkies, and bottled water. I ran over to the water and ripped the box open and pulled out a bottle. I opened it and skilled the water down. I ripped open the box of bars and shoved one down my throat.

I ran out the shed as fast as possible. "Guys! Guys! Come quick. I have found food!" I screamed out running towards everyone else. "There is bottled water and fruit bars. Come quick!" I shouted out.

"what, what do you mean?" Tamika asked

"Just everyone follow me." I said running towards the shed. I looked behind me and saw that everyone had did as I instructed. They were all running behind me. I made it to the shed and opened the heavy door. I ran inside and showed everyone the food and water. They all seemed pretty happy. "It's great isn't it." I said as they all shoved their faces with food. I was happy I could finally do one thing right.


"Wha--what was that?" Courtney asked

"I--I don't know I replied, feeling quite nervous.

"Then why don't you find out?" Felicity said.

"Why don't you?" I replied.

No one spoke.


"Will some one just please go see what's out there?" Tamika asked clearly quite nervous.

"FINE! I will!!" Taetum replied. She slowly walked towards the shed door. Tip-Toeing ever so slowly. She had finally reached the door. She pocked her head out there to have a look.

"Nothing's out there." She hissed.

"Go outside properly. The noise Is coming from around the corner." I replied.

Taetum did as I had said and soon she was out of sight.


There it was again the same noise but a little Louder this time. Then a noise came that everyone dreaded to hear. An ear piercing scream!!!

AN: So firstly I want to say sorry for not updating sooner. Things have been very crazy at home lately. My mum is in hospital and we don't know what is wrong. Plus I have had massive writers block but I think it will pick itself back up next chapter. Sorry this chapter is short but next chapter will be better and longer. I promise. Once again thank you for reading this. I got on today to see it had over 200 reads!!!! Yay! It's made my day, thanks. Anyway Vote, Comment, Fan all that lovely stuff. See ya soon.


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