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*No one's POV*

Usually late as always, the bluenette walked into class really early. Everyone's heads snapped towards her and stared at her in shock as she walked up to her desk. But something was off. The bluenette's pink, grey, and white clothes were now all black and purple. She wore......

"Whoa you're early" Alya exclaimed as Marinette sat down with a blank face

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"Whoa you're early" Alya exclaimed as Marinette sat down with a blank face

"Yeah I can see that" Mari said rudely

"Ummm ok? I like your outfit"

Mari just nodded her head not really caring. Infact, she could care less

"Ok?" Alya asked really confused

A couple minutes passed as everyone was in their own coversation besides Marinette. Well actually, she was having a conversation but not with anyone in the room.

"You need to act nice" the deep and rough voice growled

"Why? They'll find out soon so why-" Marinette asked in her head but was rudely interrupted

"You acting nice equals more power and destruction. You do want that don't you?"

"Of course I do. Ok fine I'll act nice but not because you told me too"

Marinette sat there in silence not really wanting to act nice but then again, it's not like she had too. She knew that she was powerful, more powerful than anyone so why does she have to follow orders from a couped up fly?

Marinette slowly smirked to herself, she wasn't gonna follow Hawkmoth's orders. No she just needs to get them all, one by one.

"Ohhh look here Mari-trash looks even worse now!!" Chloe laughed

"Chloe tha-" Adrien started but was cut off

"Cute how you think I care" Marinette sneered

Words cannot describe how much she wanted to control Chloe but she knew that she had to wait to get more strong.

The room was silent, no one has ever heard Marinette speak up for herself, especially not in this way.

"You still look terrible" Chloe laughed

"Aww thanks!! You do too!!" Marinette laughed back with even more hate

Everyone fully turned in their seats to stare at the blue-haired girl. No one knew why she was like this and they didn't know how to feel.

Happy that Mari was standing up for herself and not to mention, totally whooping Chloe's ass


Worried that she changed all of sudden with no reason

The room was still dead silent as Marinette rolled her eyes just before the teacher came in to teach the lesson..........

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